Pesach /
Passover |
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu
Melech Ha-Olam,
Kidshanu b'devaro u'vishmo
Anachnu Madlikim Haneyrot Shel Yom Tov
Blessed are You, O Lord our
God, King of the Universe,
Who has set us apart by His Word,
And in Whose Name we light the Festival Lights. |
Our seventh annual
Pesach Seder in Lincolnton was Friday, April 25th, in the
Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church. |
Thursday, April 24: The
Set-UP |
On the evening before our Seder, we gathered
to set-up the Family Life Center with tables, chairs and other
Pesach decorations. |
(Below) Curtis, Doug, Barry, Paul and Chuck begin setting up the
low tables for the Seder |
(Below Left) Carolyn
gives Lynda and Janice directions for arranging the regular
while Paul enjoys a snack |
(Above Right) Melba, Myrl and Carolyn begin putting tablecloths
on the tables |
(Below Left) Stacy & Barry place decorative table-toppers on top
of the table cloths
(Below Right) Paul & Lynda prepare Pesach candles for the tables |
(Below) Jeremy, Janice & Curtis place Haggadahs on the low
tables while Jane puts out
saucers and napkins to drip wine on when reciting the plagues |
(Below) The entire set-up took about two hours
Melba makes some final adjustments |
(Below) The set-up crew poses for a photo after everything is
done |
(Left to Right)
(Back Row) Andy & Jane, Jeremy & Jeanne, Melba, Janice & Chuck,
Doug & Lynda, Stacy
(Front Row) Paul & Susan, Barry, Abbey, Curtis & Carolyn, Myrl &
Duke, Sheryl |
Friday, April 25: The Pesach
Seder |
We had about 110 in attendance at our 2008
Seder. |
(Below) Curtis at the low tables
Costumes are an optional element of our Seder |
Guests Begin to Arrive |
(Below Left) Curtis introduces Sandy & Marjorie to Doug & Chuck
(Below Center) Doug spends some pre-Seder time with co-worker,
(Below Right) Wayne & Jeff
pose for the camera |
(Below Left)
Three generations of the
DeHaan Family observe Pesach together
(Below Right) Jane, Myrl & Sheryl visit with Jeanne, Karin,
Mason & Adam |
(Below Left) Myrl & Clarita
(Below Right) Melba, Cathy, Christi, Wayne & Barry |
(Below Left) Old & new friends get together, including Rob,
Carolyn, Norma, Melba & Jeff
(Below Right) We recently met Nancy at the Barry Segal VISION
FOR ISRAEL Conference |
(Below) Debbie & Shawn came after seeing an announcement in the
Lincoln Times about the Seder |
(Below Left) Kay, Ruby, Arrie & Joyce spend some pre-Seder time
(Below Right) Jane talks with several of the teenagers |
(Below) Almost time to start ... |
The evening begins with the sounding of the Shofar |
Praise, Worship & Israeli
Folk Dance |
(Below) Dancing to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman |
the Israeli Folk Dance "Zemer Atik" to the song "He Shall Reign"
by Paul Wilbur |
Doug adds the colorful Spencer Williams silk flag,
that indeed "Yeshua is Our Messiah" |
The Seder Begins |
(Below) As ladies stand to light the Festival candle at their
Sandy lights them at the low table where she is sitting |
(Below) Brad, Philip & Leslie take part in the ceremonial hand
washing |
(Below) Savanna asks the 4 Questions - with some help from her
Mother & little sister, Ali |
The Four Questions: |
1. On all other nights we eat bread or
matzah. Why on this night do we eat only matzah?
2. On all other nights we eat all kings of vegetables. Why
on this night do we eat only bitter herbs?
3. On all other nights we do not dip our vegetables even once.
Why on this night do we dip them twice?
4. On all other nights we eat our meals sitting or reclining.
Why on this night do we eat reclining? |
The Four Answers: |
1. As the children of Israel fled from
Egypt, they did not have time for their dough to rise.
Instead the hot desert sun baked it flat. But even more
than that, the scriptures teach us that leaven symbolizes sin. |
Don't you know that a little leaven works through the whole
dough? Get rid of the old leaven that you may be a new
batch without leaven - as you really are. For Messiah, our
Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep
the feast... (1 Corinthians 5:7-8) |
2. As sweet as our lives are today,
let us remember how bitter life was for the children of Israel
in the land of Egypt. As bitter herbs (horseradish) is
scooped onto a piece of matza, the bitter taste causes us to
shed tears of compassion for the sorrow that the children of
Israel knew thousands of years ago. |
3. The children of
Israel toiled to make treasure cities for Pharaoh, working in
brick and clay. We remember this task in a mixture called
Kharoset, made from chopped apples, honey, nuts and wine.
We again scoop some bitter herbs (horseradish) onto a piece of
matzah. But this time we also scooped some Kharoset onto
the matzah. We all have had bitter experiences in our
lives. The message God is communicating to us is His
desire for us to press through the bitterness to experience the
sweetness. The horseradish represents the trials and
tribulations which come into our lives. If we allow these
trials and tribulations to make us bitter toward God, we will
never experience the sweetness of God's deliverance for our
life. If we press through them, however, with God's help,
we will taste and experience the sweetness of His promises
contained in His Word to us. |
4. The first
Passover was celebrated by a people enslaved. The children
of Israel were instructed to eat the Passover in haste, their
loins girded, their staffs in their hands, their sandals on
their feet, awaiting departure from the bondage of Egypt.
Today we all all recline and freely enjoy the Passover Seder. |
The Three Matzot |
Three matzot are
wrapped together for Passover. There are various
explanations for this ceremony. The rabbis call these
three a "Unity". Some consider it a unity of the
Patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Others explain it
as a unity of worship - the priests, the Levites and the people
of Israel. Those of us who know Messiah can also see in
this unique tri-unity - Yahweh, Yeshua & the Ruach Ha Kodesh
(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) - three in one. See how the
matzah is pierced and striped, just like Yeshua, who became the
"Perfect" sacrificial lamb for all of our sins and deliverance. |
(Below) The middle piece of matzah is examined, broken and
lifted up |
The story of Passover is a story of miracles, a story of
and a story of the mighty power of Yahweh to overcome evil |
Reader 1: The
Lord had promised the land of Israel to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. Yet here were their children in Egypt. The
Pharaoh who had come to power feared them. "These
foreigners in our midst are prospering and have grown numerous,"
he thought. "Suppose they join with our enemies and turn
against us!" Pharaoh decided to exert greater control over
this people, imposing harsh and bitter slavery upon the
Israelites. Still, Yahweh blessed His people in strength
and number. |
Reader 2: Pharaoh
grew more frightened and ordered every baby boy among the
Israelites to be drowned in the Nile River. One Israelite
couple hid their little boy for three months. Finally,
entrusting his future to Yahweh, they set him in a basket and
placed him upon the river. His sister, Miriam, watched as
he floated downstream. Coming upon the basket, Pharaoh's
daughter took pity on the child and chose to raise him as her
own son. She called him Moses, Moshe in Hebrew, meaning
"drawn from the water." |
Reader 3: Moshe
grew and became aware of the travail of his people. One
day, in a rage, he lost control of himself and killed an
Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. Fleeing the
palace and the eye of Pharaoh, Moshe became a shepherd in the
land of Midian, far from the cries of his suffering brothers. |
Reader 4:
The Lord, however, saw the affliction of the children of Israel
and heard their groaning. He would raise up a deliverer to
lead them out of bondage. It was then that He appeared to
Moshe in the midst of a bush that burned with fire, yet was not
consumed. Moshe drew close and listened as Yahweh
commissioned him to go to Pharaoh. Fearful and reluctant,
Moshe agreed to bring Yahweh's message to the king of Egypt,
"Let my people go!" |
Four cups of wine/grape juice are drunk
during the evening |
(Below) As each plague is recited three times, we dipped a
finger into this second cup,
allowing a drop of liquid to fall, reducing the fullness of our cup of joy
this night |
Blood! Frogs! Lice! Beasts! Cattle Disease!
Boils! Hail! Locusts! Darkness! Death of the Firstborn! |
We Pause For the Covered-Dish Meal |
Folks line up for some good home-cooked food - without "leaven",
of course! |
There were lots of great opportunities for fellowship during the
meal |
(Below Left) Savanna, Abbey & Ali are a new generation learning
about the joys of Pesach
(Below Right) Jeanne & Jeremy enjoy themselves |
Curtis spends some time with Brach & Donna
as well as Miss Vonnie |
(Below) Chuck & Janice and Myrl & Duke enjoy eating and chatting
with those around them |
Some of our guests, like Cheryl & Bob (left), as well as Marcia
traveled from the Charlotte area to join us |
La'sha-na ha-ba'ah b'
Yerushalayim! |
"Next Year in Jerusalem" |
* Thanks to Duke,
Philip & Beth for taking the photos |
Israeli Folk
Dance - May 2008 |
Dancing Im Hupalnu (If We Fall
Down) to "Blessed is Adonai" by Steve McConnell |
2nd Part of the Dance:
Stomp Right, Going into the center of the circle walk Right Left
Right Left, Stomp Right with lifted hands,
Backing out of the circle, Right back, Left slides back, Right
back, Left, slides back,
Walking backwards step Right, Left, Right, Left |
Dancing Hora Medura (The
Campfire Hora) |
Dancing Od Lo Ahavti Dai (I
Haven't Loved Enough) to "You Are My Salvation" by Lamb |
60th Birthday Celebration |
The State of Israel was established in May 1948 after thousands
of years of Jewish dispersal, when out of the horrors of
World War II they officially once again became a nation. |
To honor this great Biblical and historical event and show our
love for Israel & the Jewish people, we planned our own Birthday
Celebration - and called it "An Evening to Honor Israel". Meeting at Doug & Lynda's
we gathered for an evening of music, dance, teaching, prayer,
eating and fellowship. |
birthday cake for the evening |
Doug & Lynda had flags, balloons and other decorations to make
the area very festive
Everyone was given a small Israeli Flag and an Israel wristband |
Guests begin to arrive - including Chuck, Paul and Jeremy |
Doug spends some time talking with Melba & Barry while others
are arriving |
(Above) Myrl, Stacy, Susan, Janice, Lynda, Stacy, Jeff, Jeanne
and Doris |
(Below) Chuck sounds the shofar to begin the evening's
festivities |
light Shabbat candles, Paul says the blessings over the bread
and wine,
then we sang "Hatikvah" |
moved into a time of singing songs about the Lord and His love
for Israel.
Israeli Folk Dancing accompanied our singing. |
(Left) Paul shared with the group about the
history between Christians and Jews - frequently unpleasant in
the past as he reminded us of the church's involvement in the
Crusades, Inquisition, Pogroms and the Holocaust. Thank
the Lord that we're at a new place today. We, who are
Christian Zionists, anticipate the return of Messiah Yeshua and
feel encouraged to stand with and support Israel & the Jewish
people. |
(Right) Andy shared the history of modern
Israel, including their rebirth as a nation on May 14, 1948, the
Six-Day War and other interesting information. All of this
led to a lot of questions and some wonderful discussion. |
Doug, Chuck, Jeremy and Paul listen intently |
(Below) Doug shared what Scripture has to say
about Israel, including...
... "The Origin of Israel" when Jacob is renamed Israel
... "God's Warnings as to What Will Bring Desolation to the
Nation" if they depart from keeping His Torah
... How "Blessing Israel Pleases God and is Not Optional" and we
were reminded how Balaam was hired to curse Israel but all he
could do was bless Israel
... And "God's Eternal Promise to Israel" to write His laws
(Torah) into their minds and hearts.
Genesis 12:2-3
And I will make of thee (Israel) a great nation, and I will
bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a
blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth
be blessed.
Psalm 122:6-9
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love
thee. Peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy
palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now
say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the
LORD our God I will seek thy good.
Romans 15:26-27
For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for
the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. They were pleased
to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the
Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe
it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings. |
We discussed becoming more involved with
Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse -
humanitarian aid ministries to Israel, sponsored by Barry &
Batya Segal. |
Prayer for the people and cities of Israel
We've been praying for Israel and more specifically for
Jerusalem for many years. This year Carolyn thought it
would be a wonderful idea if each of us would take a specific
city (in addition to Jerusalem) to pray for during the next
year. Everyone embraced the idea whole-heartedly.
Carolyn had spent the week preparing handouts with interesting
facts and information about many of the cities in Israel.
If there was a handout, it was designated on the map by a heart.
Many of the group chose one of the cities with a heart beside of
her name, but others decided to choose one of the other cities.
Cities we will be praying for during the next year include: |
Bat Yam
Be'er Sheva
Beit Shemesh
Bnei Brak
(Below) Chuck led the group into a beautiful
time of prayer as we remembered Israel and the Jewish people -
praying that God would bless and protect them - and allow them
to see and know their Messiah. Many others joined into the
time of prayer also. |
Chuck also read
the following prayer:
Avinu (Ah-vi-nu), Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Protector and
Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel which marks the
first glimmering of our deliverance. Shield it beneath the
wings of Your love, spread over it Your canopy of peace; send
Your light and Your truth to its leaders, officers and
counselors and direct them with Your good counsel. O God,
strengthen the defenders of our Holy Land; grant them salvation
and crown them with victory. Establish peace in the land, and
everlasting joy for its inhabitants. Remember our brethren, the
whole house of Israel, in all the lands of their dispersion.
Speedily let them walk upright to Zion, the city, to Jerusalem
your dwelling place, as it is written in the Torah of Your
servant Moses in Deuteronomy 30:4-5, “Even if you are dispersed
in the uttermost parts of the world, from there the Lord your
God will gather and fetch you. The Lord your God will bring you
into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall
possess it.” Unite our heart to love and revere Your Name, and
to observe all the precepts of Your Torah. Shine forth in your
glorious majesty over all the inhabitants of Your world. Let
everything that breathes proclaim, “Aninu, Malkeinu (A-vi-nu,
Mal-k-nu), Our Father & Our King, The Lord God of Israel is
King; His majesty rules over all.” Amen. |
We concluded the night by singing the Aaronic
Blessing and moving to a time of Oneg with great food and
fellowship. |
(Left) Several of the men settle outside in a group to eat and
(Right) Jeremy shares a smile as he prepares to join them |
Nancy, Rita, Carolyn, Jane & Myrl settled at the kitchen table
... |
... but there were also people in the living room, dining room
and even in the billiard room |
(Below) Janice, Lynda and Doug fellowship as they're filling
their plates with some GREAT food that included everything from
Gefilte Fish & Baklava to Chocolate Passover Cookies, Humus and
a wonderful macaroni salad with olives and chick peas |
Shavuot -
The Feast of Pentecost |
After a time of praise, worship and Israeli Folk Dance, the
group settles back for
the annual "spontaneous" play from the book of Ruth |
When folks arrived, they never knew who'd be
asked to step up and read the parts of Ruth, Boaz, Naomi, the
Kinsman Redeemer, and others in the play. |
We know that Israel is the "Apple of God's Eye", but the book of
Ruth reminds us that Ha'Shem/Yahweh has not forgotten the
Goy/Gentile. Ruth was a Moabitess, a gentile herself, yet
from her marriage to Boaz came the lineage of King David and
even Messiah Yeshua. |
The 2008 Cast included (from Left to Right)
Naomi (Rita), Ruth (Janice), Orpah (Amber), Jewish Woman living in the city (Jeanne),
(Chuck), The Foreman of Boaz's fields (Jeremy),
The Kinsman Redeemer (Bill), Play Director (Curtis), Jewish
Elder (Doug) |
(Front Left) Stacy watches and listens as the story
develops |
After the deaths of their husbands, Naomi (Left) encourages her
daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, to return to their homes and
their peoples |
Don't urge me to leave you. Where you go I will go, and where
you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your
God, my God. Where you die I will die, and there I
will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so
severely, if anything but death separates you and me. |
Orpah returns to her home, but Ruth refuses to leave her
mother-in-law and returns with her to Bethlehem. |
Where did you glean today?
The name of the man I worked with today is Boaz.
Yahweh bless him! He has not stopped showing his
kindness to the living or the dead. Boaz is a close relative; he
is one of our “kinsman-redeemers”.
He even invited me to stay with his workers until they
finish harvesting all his grain.
It will be good for you, my daughter, to go with his
girls, because in someone else's field you might be harmed.
The “kinsman-redeemer” was the nearest of kin. He had
the responsibility of redeeming his kinsman's lost
opportunities. If a person was forced into slavery, his redeemer
purchased his freedom. When debt threatened to overwhelm him,
the kinsman stepped in to redeem his homestead and let the
family live. If a family member died without an heir, the
kinsman married the widow and reared a son to hand down his
name. |
Tonight Boaz will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor.
Wash and perfume yourself, and put on your best clothes. Then go
down to the threshing floor, but don't let him know you are
there until he has finished eating and drinking. When he lies
down, note the place where he is lying. Then go and uncover his
feet and lie down. He will tell you what to do next. |
Ruth did as Naomi had suggested |
Who are you?
I am your servant, Ruth. Spread the corner of your garment
over me, since you are a “kinsman-redeemer” to me.
May Ha’Shem, blessed be His name, bless you, my
daughter. This is a great kindness that you have shown me.
Don’t be afraid. I will do all that you’ve ask. All my fellow
townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character. Although
I am near of kin, there is a “kinsman-redeemer” nearer than I,
who is entitled to marry you. Stay here for the night, and in
the morning if he wants to redeem you, then good; let him
redeem. But if he is not willing, as surely as the LORD lives I
will redeem you and take you as my wife. Lie here until morning. |
When the "nearer" kinsman refused to redeem Ruth, Boaz did and
took her as his wife. |
Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife.
Then he went to her, and the LORD enabled her to conceive, and
she gave birth to a son. |
Curtis gives the rest of the group a look at baby Boaz,
before the couple get to look themselves |
Naomi holds the grandson that she received from Ruth and Boaz |
WOMAN: Praise be to the LORD, Naomi. Ha Shem has
not left even you without a “kinsman-redeemer”. May the child
become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and
sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, Ruth, who
loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given
birth to a son.
READER 4: Naomi took
the child, laid him in her lap and cared for him.
WOMAN: Naomi has a
grandson through Ruth and Boaz. His name is Obed.
READER 4: Boaz was the
father of Obed, Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the
father of David, who became King over all of Israel.
To see the entire Shavuot Play about Ruth,
Click HERE |
Doug leads the group in a short teaching on Shavuot in
the Original and New Covenants. |
Toward the end of the evening, everyone got
to taste all the wonderful food that had brought for the Feast
of Shavuot/Pentecost. There were several cheesecakes and
other dairy dishes, as well as Baklavah, Coconut Rice, Breads,
and even several Israeli Salads. |
After everyone had finished eating, we
separated the group into two teams (men & women) to play our
annual Torah game. Each group was asked a question (from 1
to 12 points), then allowed to discuss it with their group
before giving their answer/answers. The women had won for
the past two years, but the men were sure they were gonna win
this year. |
Some of the questions included: |
Q. Name the 7 major Biblical Festivals. (7 pts)
A. Pesach/Passover,
Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot/Pentecost, Rosh
Hashannah/Trumpets, Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement and
Q. What are the 5 purposes for celebrating the
Feasts of the Lord. (5 pts)
A. (1) Unify the Nations
(2) Opportunity to Worship God
(3) Illustrate Spiritual Truths
(4) They Foretell Messiah
(5) Remembrance or Rehearsal
Q. What is the Hebrew word for Passover? (1 pt)
A. Pesach
Q. How many matzot are placed in the matza cover?
(1 pt)
A. 3
Q. What is one interpretation or meaning of the
three matzot? (9 pts)
A. (1) Father, Son & Holy
(2) Priests, Levites & Israelites
(3) Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
Congratulations to the men, who did indeed win
the Torah game for 2008 |
Immigrant" |
Blowing Rock Stage Company
at the Mariam & Robert Hayes Performing Arts Center
June 13 - June 22, 2008 |
We're always looking for opportunities to
fellowship and do a little traveling, too. When Duke &
Myrl found out that the Blowing Rock Stage Company would
be performing the play "The Immigrant", the story of
Jewish immigrants coming to the US to start a new life, several
of us decided we'd have to go see it. Duke & Myrl, Paul &
Susan, Carolyn & Curtis drove up to Blowing Rock and on into Boone
for lunch, with plans to meet up with Doug & Lynda later that
afternoon. |
Parked and ready for
lunch |
We stopped at Macado's for a wonderful
lunch. They have everything on their menu from Reubens to
Encheladas, Club Sandwiches, Subs, Lasagna, Pizza and all types
of wonderful desserts. If you've never been there, you've
got to check it out if you're ever passing through Boone, NC.
Check out their menu at
http://www.macados.com/TAKEOUT3.pdf |
(Left to Right) Carolyn, Susan, Paul, Curtis, Myrl & Duke |
We met up with Doug & Lynda at their house in
Blowing Rock, then drove to the Mariam & Robert Hayes Performing
Arts Center for the play. |
"The Immigrant"
PG-13 |
The Immigrant
is a true story about two Eastern European Jews who immigrated
to a small Texas town in 1909. Inspired by his grandmother's
photo album, Mark Harelik tells the story of two out of the
thousands of Jewish immigrants who ended up in the American
Southwest through an immigrant resettlement program.
Mark Harelik is a writer and actor, a native Texan who grew up
in the only Jewish family in the small town of Hamilton, in
Central Texas, where his two biographical plays, The
Immigrant & The Legacy, take place. In 1991, The
Immigrant, a telling of his Jewish grandparents' Immigration to
rural Texas and their first thirty years of life there, was the
most widely produced play in the country. It has been seen at
nearly every major theater in the country. |
Harelik (Christopher A. Kent) pulls his fruit and vegetable cart
through the small
Texas town of Hamilton and pauses to chat with Ima Perry (Viki
Boyle). |
opening his Dry Goods Store in Hamilton, Haskell informs Ima &
Milton Perry (Stephen T. Ware)
that his wife Leah has just arrived from Russia. |
(Left) Haskell Harelik with Milton Perry
(Right) Leah Harelik with Ima Perry |
The play, aside from some mature language,
was awesome - causing us to laugh as well as shed a few tears
during the two hour performance. |
After the play we headed back to Doug & Lynda's house in Blowing
Rock for dinner. |
(Left to Right) Lynda, Doug, Susan, Carolyn, Myrl, Duke, Paul &
Curtis |
What a view from Doug & Lynda's house in Blowing Rock! |
wonderful meal and fellowship! |
Go to 2008,
Page 1 - January to April |
Go to 2008, Page
-June to August |
Go to 2008,
Page 4 - September to November |
Go to 2008,
Page 5 - December |