Beit Yeshua

April to June







The Feast of Weeks























































































































(Left to Right) Eastern Gate, Lions Gate, Dung Gate, Jaffa Gate, Zion Gate


Psalm 122
 1I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
 2Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.



Isaiah 62
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night:
ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,
And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.


Psalm 122:6  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you. 



Beit Yeshua joined with family and friends at they hosted their 1tenth annual Pesach Seder on Friday, April 6, 2012.  Using a combination of low tables (to give a sense of Pesach during the time of Yeshua) and high/regular tables, seating for 200+ registered guest was provided in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton, NC.  The 2012 Seder included 5 Pastors as well as other church, Jewish-Roots and Messianic leaders from the Piedmont area of North Carolina - with guests from Denmark, Australia, Mexico and Peru.

Thursday Night Set-Up

Low tables and Israel mural
A combination of low and regular seating

 Friday Night Pesach Seder - 1st Evening of Pesach

Thanks to Covenant Bible Church (Lincolnton, NC) for letting us use their Family Life Center
Fellowship with "like-minded" Believers is one of the nice things about celebrating Pesach
Chuck & Fran, Charley & Matt from Highway To Zion
(Left to Right) Chuck, Charley, Fran, Matt - Derek & Judy in the background
Thirteen folks from Beit Yeshua joined Cathy Hargett for an October 2011 trip to Israel.  One of the blessings from that trip was forging friendships with Joyce & Melissa (as well as Rita - not pictured) who were also on the trip.
Curtis speaks with Cathy Hargett from Highway To Zion
as well as Gloria, Joyce and Melissa who were also on the 2011 Israel tour
Judy and Cathy (Center) - Sharon, Robbie and Danielle 
Carolyn chats with Sharon
Curtis with daughter Beth - Paul, Jan and Melissa
(Left to Right) David, Sam, Mike, David, Wane, Cynthia, Savanna, Ali and Beth
Beth's daughter Savanna - Curtis & Carolyn's granddaughter
Beit Yeshua was so pleased to have Jonathan, Andi & Chayla join us for their first Pesach
Everyone settles as 7:00 pm approaches and the evening activities begin
Shofarot are sounded
Chuck welcomes everyone and introduced Pastors and ministry leaders

Beit Yeshua was blessed to have Pastors from 5 different churches with us for the 2012 Pesach Seder
as well as other ministry leaders

Pastor Bill Carrier and family from Christ Commissioned Church, Conover, NC
sat on the low tables
Pastor Ryan Kirby (with Cindy, Levi and Sarah) from True Word Church in Conover, NC
(Left) Doug, Iline & Allie
(Right) Pastor Robert Wise with Sandra & Lyndsey from Creekside Community Church
(Standing) David and Brack
(Sitting) Keith & Cynthia (from Iowa), James, Nancy & Pastor Bill Shupp from The River Church
Paul shares about area Messianic and Jewish-Roots groups
and the importance of getting involved
The ladies danced the Israeli Folk Dance "O Give Thanks" to the song "Be Unto Your Name"

The Machol (Lady) Dancers perform
the Israeli Folk Dance "O Give Thanks"
to the song "Be Unto Your Name"

Alternate View - CLICK HERE

Machol Lady Dancers: Myrl, Donna, Nancy, Christi, Gloria, Brittany, Celia, Janice, Bianca, Janice, Iline
PRAISE, WORSHIP &   Congregational   D-A-N-C-E
Curtis led men, women and children in 3 simple Israeli Folk Dances - including Zemer Atik...
... "Od Lo Ahavti Dai" ...

... and "Im Hu Pal Nu"

We were blessed to have so many men willing to get out and worship God through dance




Curtis and Doug lead Beit Yeshua's Pesach Seder


To see part of the Pesach/Passover Seder - CLICK HERE - Part 1


Susan leads the ladies as festival candles are lit


The first cup of wine/juice is drunk - The Cup of Sanctification


You wash your hands during Passover because you are a priest before Adonai
and the table before you is His altar. 


Parsley dipped into salt water reminds us that life in Egypt
for the children of Israel was a life of pain, suffering, and tears


To see part of the Pesach/Passover Seder - CLICK HERE - Part 1

A Child asks the 4 Questions

1. On all other nights we eat bread or matzah.  Why on this night do we eat only matzah?

2. On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables.  Why on this night do we eat only bitter herbs?

3. On all other nights we do not dip our vegetables even once. Why on this night do we dip them twice?

4. On all other nights we eat our meals sitting or reclining.  Why on this night do we eat reclining?

Jude asked the 4 questions

Three matzot are wrapped together for Passover.  There are various explanations for this ceremony.  The rabbis call these three a “Unity”.   Some consider it a unity of the patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Others explain it as a unity of worship - the priests, the Levites, and the people of Israel.  We who know Messiah can also see in this the unique tri-unity of Yahweh – the Father, Yeshua – the Son, and Ruach Ha Kodesh – the Holy Spirit.  Three in one.

In the matzah we can see a picture of Messiah. It is stripped and pierced.


But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities;
the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.
(Isaiah 53:5)


The matzah is tasted by all - including Chuck and Paul


On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on Passover we eat only maror, bitter herbs (parsley and horseradish).  As sweet as our lives are today, let us still remember how bitter life was for the children of Israel in the land of Egypt.  We scooped some maror/horseradish onto a piece of matzah and ate it.  As we did the bitter taste caused us to shed tears of compassion for the sorrow that the children of Israel knew thousands of years ago.


Doug lifts up the Maror/horseradish


Ali, Savanna and Chuck react to the horseradish


The sweet kharoset added to the horseradish and matzah reminds us of the sweetness of God,
even during the difficult times

The 2nd Cup of Wine/Juice - the Cup of Plagues

A finger is dipped into the wine/juice and dripped onto a napkin as the plagues are recited:
Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beast, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness,
Death of the Firstborn



We paused for the Pesach/Passover meal and resumed the Seder after the meal

As the evening ends, we say the traditional Jewish blessing, "Next Year in Jerusalem" -
a hope that we'll be able to observe Pesach in Jerusalem next year during this season


To see all the photos and videos from the 2012 Pesach Seder, CLICK HERE


An Evening Honoring Israel

Beit Yeshua, Highway To Zion and Love For His People met on Friday, April 27th, 2012, 7 pm, in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton, NC, to celebrate An Evening Honoring Israel.  Guest speakers for the evening were Dr. Bill & Cindi Duerfeldt of Christian Friends of Israel (Jerusalem) and Warren Marcus of Sid Roth Ministries and Messianic Pastor at Steele Creek Church in Charlotte, NC. 
As everyone begins to arrive, Susan and Carolyn SKYPE with some other "very special" friends
at Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem
Gettin' ready to star the meeting - folks still coming in the door
Our friend Steve Martin from Love For His People with Indira Persad

The shofarot (ram's horns) are sounded as the evening begins

[Paul, Jonathan, Chuck, Wane, Indira, Doug, Gid, Doug]

Cathy Hargett, Director of Highway To Zion, welcomed guests at the evening began
- shared scripture - and prayed over the group.

Cathy shares with the group


To see the YouTube video of Cathy sharing, CLICK HERE


Susan lights Shabbat candles and Paul says kiddush (prayer & blessings) over the bread & wine


Paul holds the Israeli flag as everyone sings "Hatikvah", Israel's National Anthm


Beit Yeshua's Machol Dancers performed the Israeli Folk Dance "Ashreinu"
to the song by Avraham Fried


The see the YouTube video of the dance "Ashreinu" CLICK HERE, Part 1

The see the YouTube video of the dance "Ashreinu" CLICK HERE, Part 2


We were blessed to have Gid Anthony and Wane Daroux lead us during our time of congregational
praise, worship and dance.


Gid on electric guitar, Tim on drums and David on bass


Many in the congregation joined in the Israeli Folk Dance during praise and worship


At 7:40 we took a 20 minute break to let everyone visit the numerous displays we had set up for the evening

The "Israel" Display
The "Adopt-A-City for Prayer" Display
The "Seven Species" Display
The Seven Species are
(1) Olives, (2) Grapes, (3) Figs, (4) Dates, (5) Pomegranates, (6) Wheat and (7) Barley
The "Israeli Ministries" and "Judaica" Displays
The "History of Modern Israel" and "Borders & Boundaries of Israel" Displays
The "Biblical Archaeology" Display
The "Hebrew Language" Display
The "Holocaust" Display
The WARREN MARCUS book Dispaly
After viewing the displays,
we moved into a little more praise, worship and dance to get everyone settled

Wane Daroux, originally from Dominica, is a gifted musician and song writer.  He is in the process of
putting together his first CD of original Messianic music.  Wane shared two of his songs at the
2012 Evening Honoring Israel


Wane performs two of his original Messianic songs from his upcoming CD


To see the YouTube video of Wane singing "Baruch Atah Adonai", CLICK HERE


To see the YouTube video of Wane singing "When Yeshua Comes Again", CLICK HERE


Dancing as Wane leads praise & worship

Dr. Bill & Cindi Duerfeldt of Christian Friends of Israel, Jerusalem,
were two of our guest speakers for the evening

Steve Martin of Love For His People introduces Bill & Cindi

Bill & Cindi share about Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem
where they volunteer each year from January to March
Warren Marcus of Sid Roth Ministries and Messianic Pastor of Steel Creek Church in
Charlotte, NC, was our second speaker for the evening
Cathy Hargett introduces Warren
Warren shares his message
To see the YouTube video of Warren's message, CLICK HERE, Part 1
To see the YouTube video of Warren's message, CLICK HERE, Part 2
To see the YouTube video of Warren's message, CLICK HERE, Part 3
To see the YouTube video of Warren's message, CLICK HERE, Part 4
To see the YouTube video of Warren's message, CLICK HERE, Part 5
To close the evening, Doug leads the group in a prayer for Israel
then some of the ladies from the Machol Dancers and the Highway To Zion Dancers
danced to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman
Highway To Zion Dancers - Patty and Robbie
Machol Dancers from Beit Yeshua - Myrl, Iline, Janice

To see the YouTube Video of the dance "Peace of Jerusalem", CLICK HERE

To see all the photos and videos from the 2012 An Evening To Honor Israel
Please join us in 2013 for An Evening Honoring Israel

The Feast of Shavuot / Pentecost

50 days after Pesach/Passover is the feast of Shavuot/Weeks/Pentecost.  This year Beit Yeshua chose to observe Shavuot as a home-group meeting instead of their usual "larger" meeting in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton, NC. - observing and celebrating the festival on Friday, May 25th.
Meeting in Chuck and Janice's home,
Many arrived early to work on our 30-minute Hebrew Lesson
Shofarot are sounded at 7:30 to announce the nearing of Shabbat

Susan lights Shabbat candles and then says the blessing over the candles ...

... Paul blesses the bread and wine
Chuck shares current events in Israel and the Middle East
and Doug leads the group in a time of prayer and intercession

As always, we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Sha'a'lu Shalom Yerushalayim)

[Large 3-pannel photo print of Jerusalem on Chuck & Janice's wall]
Curtis leads the group in the Blessing of Salvation in Messiah Yeshua

Blessing For Salvation in Messiah

Baruch Atah Adonai
Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam,
Asher natan lanu
     et de-rech ha’Yeshua,
B’Mashiach Yeshua
Baruch Hu. Amein!

Blessed are You, O Lord,
Our God, King of the Universe,
Who gave to us
the way of salvation
in the Messiah, Yeshua. 
Blessed be He!  Aman!

We love to praise, worship and dance before the Lord
Andy accompanies the music on his bongo
and Joe was in town from Western Carolina University
Doug leads the group in a Shavuot Midrash (Spirited Discussion)
At the end of the evening, Oneg (Food & Fellowship)
Doug, Wane and Iline ...
David and Connie ...
... Duke and Myrl
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!"

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