Machol Dancers

Dance Performances




An Evening
Honoring Israel


An Evening
Honoring Israel

"Shalom My Home"




"Who Is Like You"



An Evening

"Battle For


"Mashav Ruach"
(Wind Spirit)

"Let Us Adore/
Sing Hallelujah"


"Be Unto Your

August 2011
Beit Yeshua's
10 Year



"For Your Name
Is Holy"



"Peace of Jerusalem"

Beit Yeshua

Sheleg Al Iri
"Psalms of Praise"

Beit Yeshua

"Peace of Jerusalem"

"We Speak to Nations"

Beit Shofarot

"On Your Walls"

at Vision For

"On Your Walls"

Beit Yeshua
Evening Honoring

"On Your Walls"

Beit Yeshua


Beit Yeshua

"A Resting Place"

Beit Yeshua

"Latter Days"




















































































































Psalm 150:4
Praise him with the timbrel and dance.


Jeremiah 31:13
Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together:
for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them,
and make them rejoice from their sorrow.


2 Samuel 6:14
And David danced before the LORD with all his might…


Here Are A Few Traditional Israeli Folk Dance Songs & Dances from our Various Practices:

Hava Nagila

Hora Habika


Zemer Atik


2014 An Evening Honoring Israel


"Shalom My Home"

The lady Machol Dancers performed two dances during Beit Yeshua's annual An Evening Honoring Israel on Friday, May 2, 2014.  The first dance was a modified version of "O Give Thanks" to the song "Shalom My Home", sung by the Isaacs.  The second dance was a modified version of "Ani Ma Amin" to the song "Shalom Jerusalem" sung by Paul Wilbur.



To see the dancers practice to "Shalom My Home" -  CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
[CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]



To see the dancers perform "Shalom My Home"
at the 2014 "An Evening Honoring Israel" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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"Shalom Jerusalem"




To see the dancers practice to "Shalom Jerusalem" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
[CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]




To see the dancers perform "Shalom Jerusalem" at the 2014 "An Evening Honoring Israel"
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2014 Pesach Seder



The lady Machol Dancers performed the dance "Kadosh" to the song by the same name, sung by Paul Wilbur, for the 2014 Pesach Seder at Beit Yeshua on Friday, April 18, 2014.  Myrl lit the festival lights, then she, Janice, Celia, Gloria and Brittany danced around the candles during the worship song and dance.



To see the dancers practice to "Kadosh" -  CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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To see the dancers perform "Kadosh" at the 2014 Pesach Seder - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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2013 Sukkot


"Who Is Like You"

A smaller group of dancers perform a dance to the song "Who Is Like You" from Paul Wilbur's latest CD "Your Great Name" as part of Beit Yeshua's 2013 Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) Celebration.



To see the dancers practice to "Who Is Like You" - CLICK HERE to got to YouTube
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To see the lady dancers perform to "Who Is Like You" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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2013 Pesach




The Machol Lady Dancers dance to the song "Hoshiana" by Joshua Aaron

DANCERS: Myrl Peeler, Lynda Williams, Janice Stroup, Christi Rykhus, Biana Pitman, Janice Anthony,
Brittany Pounder, Gloria Cunningham-McCraw, Cami Cunningham, Celia Smith

To see the Machol Ladies perform the dance to "Hoshiana" by Joshua Aaron
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2013 An Evening Honoring Israel


"Battle For Zion"


The Machol Dancers do a performance dance to the song "Battle For Zion" by Ted Pearce

To See the Machol Dancers dance "Battle For Zion", CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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Steve Martin's Video, CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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2012 Sukkot Celebration


As part of Beit Yeshua's Sukkot Celebration, the Machol Dancers performed two dances


"Mashav Ruach"


The Machol Dancers perform the Israeli Folk Dance "Mashav Ruach"
on Friday, 05 Oct 2012, at Sukkot



To see the Machol Dancers perform
the Israeli Folk Dance "Masha Ruach"
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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Tuesday, 04 Sep 2012, Practice for the dance - and our first video

CLICK HERE to See the Dance - "Mashav Ruach"
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"Let Us Adore / Sing Hallelujah"


The Lady Machol Dancers perform the dance "Let Us Adore"
at Sukkot 2012



The see the dance "Let Us Adore / Sing Hallelujah" Performance at Sukkot 2012
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2012 Pesach Seder


"Be Unto Your Name"

The ladies danced the Israeli Folk Dance "O Give Thanks" to the song "Be Unto Your Name"
Machol Lady Dancers: Myrl, Donna, Nancy, Christi, Gloria, Brittany, Celia, Janice, Bianca, Janice, Iline
The Machol (Lady) Dancers perform
the Israeli Folk Dance "O Give Thanks"
to the song "Be Unto Your Name"
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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The Machol (Lady) Dancers perform
the Israeli Folk Dance "O Give Thanks"
to the song "Be Unto Your Name" - Angle 2
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2011 Beit Yeshua's 10 Year Anniversary



The Machol Dancers did a repeat performance of the dance "Ashreinu"
which they had performed earlier this year at Beit Yeshua's "An Evening Honoring Israel"
To watch the YouTube video of the dance
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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Silks Performance Piece



"For Your Name Is Holy"

Silks Practice
The Machol Dancers practice a silks piece to the song "For Your Name is Holy".
YouTube Video Link 1
(Machol Dancers - Dance practice - October 2010)
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YouTube Video Link 2
(Machol Dancers - Dance practice - November 2010)
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2011 Evening Honoring Israel





Carolyn tells the story of the song that accompanies the dance "Ashreinu"


The Story Behind the Song "ASHREINU"


In the fall of 1944, in the Auschwitz concentration camp, a group of 50 Hungarian Jewish boys under the age of 18 had been selected for the gas chambers.  They had been told they were to take showers, but this was later in concentration camp history, and the boys knew the truth.

Inside the bathhouse, one boy shouted out, “Brothers! Today is the day of Simchat Torah! Before we die, let us celebrate Simchat Torah one last time!  We don’t have a Torah Scroll to dance with, so let us all dance with God Himself—Who is surely here among us—before we return our souls to Him.”

50 young voices raised in song, and 50 pairs of feet stamped in joy before the L-rd:
Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu u’ma nayim goraleinu u’mah yafah yerushateinu (How fortunate we are and how wonderful is our portion and how beautiful is our heritage.)

The commandant came and was infuriated.  One boy told him, “leaving a world where Nazi beasts reign is a cause for celebration.”  To teach them a lesson, the commandant had them all pulled out and put in a holding block overnight, telling them he planned to torture them the next day.

The next morning a high-ranking Nazi officer arrived, needing to conscript a large number of workers.  He saw the group of boys and ordered them along with several hundred other inmates, to be transferred to his work camp.  Survivors of Auschwitz report that all 50 boys survived the war.



"Fortunate Us"

Composed by Reb Aharon Charitonov
Sung by Avraham Fried

How fortunate are we,  How good is our portion,
And how pleasant our destiny, How beautiful is our inheritance.

Ashrinu, Ashreinu, Ashreinu, Ma Tov chelkeinu
Ashrinu, Ashreinu, Ma Tov Chelkeinu.

U’ma  Noim, U’ma Noim, Noim Goroleinu,
U’ma Yofo Y’rushoseinu.


The Dance









To see the video of The Machol Dancers dancing to the Israeli Folk Dance "Ashreinu"
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube - [CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]

The music cut off too soon, but we continued to the end of the dance



"Peace of Jerusalem"


The Machol Dancers dance to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman







To see the video of the Machol Dancers dancing to "Peace of Jerusalem"
CLICK HERE to go to YouTube - [CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]

2011 Pesach Seder


"Psalms of Praise"

The lady Machol Dancers danced the Israeli Folk Dance "Sheleg Al Iri" (Snow on the Mountain) to the song "Psalms of Praise" by Billy Whitman at Beit Yeshua's 2011 Pesach/Passover Seder.

(Dancers Left to Right)
Beverly, Myrl, Bianca, Victoria, Cheryl, Iline, Gloria, Brittany, Janice, Christi, Janice

(Pictured Below) Logan & Marcia


Psalms of Praise
by Billy Whitman


With every breath we’ll praise the Lord,
Making melody, we’ll praise the Lord,
With all your heart, sing to the Lord,
With songs of praise, lift up the Lord.

Always giving thanks to Abba God above,
In Mashiach, He poured out all His love,
Build each other up with psalms of praise,
Yeshua the Messiah, Make Him your desire,
All consuming fire is He.


To see the video performance of the ladies dancing Sheleg Al Iri
to the song "Psalms of Praise" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

[CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]








2010 Sukkot Celebration



"Peace of Jerusalem"



The Machol Dancers did two performance pieces as part of Beit Yeshua's 2010 Sukkot Celebration on Friday, September 24, 2010, 7pm, in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church. 

Dressed in costumes from "the Nations"
the lady Machol Dancers dance to the song "Peace of Jerusalem"


"Lord we pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
Lord we pray for the peace of her people,
Lord we pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
Shalom Israel"




"As watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem,
We cry out night and day;
Till your streets overflow with rejoicing,
And your temples are filled with praise"


To see the video performance of the ladies
dancing to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

[CLICK BELOW to stay on this page]



"We Speak To Nations"


The Machol Dancers prepared a special performance piece for Beit Yeshua's Sukkot Celebration
dancing to the song "We Speak to Nations"


"Hear the sound, the sound of the nations worshipping"


"Hear the sound, of sons and daughters singing"


"Who will go for us, Who will shout to the corners of the earth?"


"That Christ is King"


"We speak to nations, be open"


"We speak to nations, fall on your knees"


"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to nations, be broken, powers of darkness, you have to flee"


"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to you - Be free - Be free"


"Hear the sound, the sound of the nations calling"
"Hear the sound, the sound of the fatherless crying"
"We will go for you, We will shout to the corners of the earth"
"That Christ is King"


"We speak to nations, be open"


"We speak to nations, fall on your knees"
"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"


"We speak to strongholds, be broken"


"Powers of darkness, you have to flee"


"We speak to nation, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to you - Be free - Be free"


"Be free - Be free - Be free - Be free"




"Be Free"


To see the video performance of the last practice of the Machol Dancers
dancing to the song "We Speak to Nations" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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An earlier practice of "We Speak to Nations" - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube
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2010 Beit Shofarot's Torah Dedication



"On Your Walls Oh Jerusalem"


The Machol Dancers danced to the song "Al Chomatayeech Yerusalem"
(On Your Walls Oh Jerusalem) by Barry & Batya Segal during
Beit Shofarot's Torah Dedication on August 7, 2010.








To see the video of Machol Dancers' final performance practice
at Beit Shofarot - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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Machol Dancers with Rabbi Yossi




2010 Highway to Zion at Vision For Israel



"On Your Walls Oh Jerusalem"


The Machol Dancers again dance to the song "On Your Walls" by Barry & Batya Segal
when Highway to Zion met at Vision For Israel on May 21, 2010.





To see the video of Machol Dancers' performance for the Highway To Zion
assembly at Vision For Israel in Charlotte - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2010 Evening Honoring Israel



On Your Walls O Jerusalem
by Barry & Batya Segal


The Machol Dancers perform a military war dance in honor of the IDF to the song
"On Your Walls Oh Jerusalem" by Barry & Batya Segal at Beit Yeshua's
Evening Honoring Israel Celebration



Al cho-mo-ta-yeech, Al cho-mo-ta-yeech,
Al cho-mo-ta-yeech, Hifkadeti shom’rim.

On your walls, O Jerusalem,
I have set watchmen, I have set watchmen.
On your walls, O Jerusalem,
Who shall never hold their peace.

Day or night, (day or night,)
Day or night, (day or night,)
I have set watchmen on your walls.

‘Till He establishes, and ‘till He makes
Jerusalem A praise in the earth.

You who make mention of the Lord,
Do not keep silent, Do not keep silent,
On Your walls, O Jerusalem,
You shall never hold your peace.










2010 Pesach Celebration







The lady Machol Dancers danced to the song "Watchman"
by Paul Wilbur using colored flags






We did not record this performance, but we do have a video of Myrl (who choreographed the dance)
teaching the dance during our Tuesday night dance class.


To see the video of Machol Dancers' practicing "Watchmen"
Practice # 1 - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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To see the video of Machol Dancers' practicing "Watchmen"
Practice # 2 - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

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2009 Yom Teruah



"A Resting Place"


Machol Dancers dance to the song "A Resting Place" by Paul Wilbur
at Beit Yeshua's Yom Teruah (Rosh Hasha
nah) Celebration in September 2009



(Unfortunately we did not video this performance)


2009 Sukkot Celebration





Machol Dancers dance to the song "Latter Days" by Barry & Batya Segal
at Beit Yeshua's Sukkot
Celebration in September 2009


The song "Latter Days" by Barry & Batya Segal speaks of the time in Zechariah 14 when Messiah Yeshua
is ruling & reigning in Jerusalem and all the nations will come up from year-to-year to keep the Feast of Sukkot
Zechariah 14:16
And it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem
shall even go up f
rom year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
Dancers prepare for the nations dance to the song "Latter Days"


Latter Days
by Barry & Batya Segal

"In the Latter Days, on the Mountain of Zion, all nations will flow to the House of the Lord ..."


"All people will bow down to the God of Jacob, Then His glory will appear ..."


"He’ll wash away the filth from the daughters of Zion,  And purge all the blood of Jerusalem ..."


"When He pours out the Spirit of judgment and burning,  Then His glory will appear.  Come up!"


"Going up, Going up to the mountain, Going up to the House of the Lord."


Going up, going up to the mountain, He will teach us all His ways."


"He will make a covering, A tabernacle of the Lord,"


To see the video of Machol Dancers' dancing to the song "Latter Days"
by Barry & Batya Segal - CLICK HERE to go to YouTube

(Sorry for the poor video quality - it was recorded on VHS video and then converted to digital)
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