Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of
Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you. |
Psalm 132:13 |
For Adonai has chosen Tziyon, He has wanted it as his home.
"This is my resting-place forever, I will live here because I so
much want to." |
Messianic Ministries |
One of the goals in Beit Yeshua's vision is to bless Israel and
the Jewish people, (a) Financially, (b) Spiritually through
prayer and (c) Personal through one-on-one contact. One of the
ways we accomplish the financial part of that goal is by
financially investing into Messianic Israeli Ministries that
we've become familiar with in our 18 years as a
"Messianic/Jewish-Roots Ministry. Beith Yeshua has no overhead
so about 99.9 % of the money that comes in, goes out to Israeli
Ministries. We currently have seven ministries that we support
on a monthly basis. |
Messianic Israeli Ministries |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Christian Friends of Israel - Jerudalem |
& Sharon Saunders |
Jerusalem, ISRAEL |
Christian Friends of Israel
Jerusalem was founded by Ray & Sharon Sanders
(non-Jewish Believers) in 1985. Ray was ordained
to the ministry through Christ For the Nations. CFIJ is
a humanitarian-aid ministry, similar to Samaritan's
Purse here in the US, with its international
headquarters located in Jerusalem. Their US headquarters
is located in Charlotte. The ministry has 11 ministry
outreaches. Beit Yeshua has chosen to sponsor
Project David's Shield. (1) Project David's Shield:
Project David’s Shield aims to stand in solidarity
with the stated mission of the IDF (Israeli Defense
Forces). The best armies in the world are the ones that
believe in what they are doing so much that they will
make any sacrifice to further the cause and accomplish
their mission. We have a responsibility as Christian
Friends of Israel, here in Jerusalem, and from the
Nations, to let the Israeli soldiers know that we love
and support the IDF and to remind them who they are. We
strive to remind them that they don’t fight their
battles alone, and that the God of Israel is with them.
We are able to tell them that they have millions of
people around the world who pray for them daily! The
Army of Israel is fighting on the earthly battleground.
Will you stand in the gap and petition God on behalf of
the Land and the people who are called by his name? The
funds stipulated for Project David's Shield go
specifically to meet the needs of IDF soldiers. Other
areas of CFIJ ministry include: (2) Bridal Salon:
Providing beautiful wedding gowns, tuxedos, evening
gowns and accessories gifted by believers to bless
people in Israel, (3) Communities Under Attack:
Ministering to families who have been under rocket
attack. These families have suffered physical injuries,
depression, sleepless nights, severe anxiety and stress
with children developing symptoms of PTSD at an
early age, (4) First Fruits: Ministering to local
Gentile & Arab Pastors in need, (5) Forsake Them Not:
Ministering to Holocaust Survivors, (6) Hope For the
Future: Ministering to Ethiopian Jewish Communities,
(7) Media & Development, (8) Open Gates:
Assisting new immigrants, (9) Streams of Blessings:
Ministering to the Elderly, (10) Under His Wings:
Ministering to families who experience terrorism, and
(1) Wall of Prayers: Building a spiritual wall of
protection around Israel. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Dugit Outreach Center |
& Chaya Mizrachi |
Aviv, ISRAEL |
Avi Mizrachi is an Israeli Messianic evangelist
called to minister the love and life of Yeshua to the
people of Israel. Avi was born in Tel Aviv-Jaffa in a
Jewish home. While visiting his sister in America, he
gave his life to Yeshua. In the same year he also met
and married his wife, Chaya, and the couple
returned to Israel together. In 1985, God opened the
door for them to study at Christ for the Nations
Institute in Dallas, Texas and after completing
their studies they returned to Israel in 1987. In 1993,
the Lord led them to open Dugit Outreach Centre
in the heart of Tel Aviv, offering free coffee,
literature and a listening ear, focusing on evangelism
in the city that is called the San Francisco of Israel.
Avi also serves as the Senior Pastor of Adonai Roi
(The Lord is my Shepherd) – a Messianic Jewish-Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv.
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Full Proof Gospel Ministries |
Jesse & Jamie Boyd |
Conover, NC, USA |
Full Proof Gospel Ministries, aka Zerayim
Colportage Board, is an international colportage
ministry modeled after the historic Baptist Colportage
Board and fully committed to the free distribution of
the printed Word of God, to the Jewish people FIRST, and
ALSO to the Gentile nations. Zerayim endeavors to, (1)
Freely distribute printed copies of the Holy Scriptures,
(2) Proclaim the Gospel in the public forum,
(3) Go into all nations, and (4) Mobilize
Gentile churches to invest in reaching the Jewish people
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah.
This ministry has established a presence amongst Israeli
backpackers along the Hummus Trails in both
South Asia and South America and labors to
get the Hebrew Scriptures (both Old & New Testaments)
into the hands of as many of these as possible. Zerayim
is also involved in Jewish Colportage work in the United
States and Canada, distributing free copies of the
Scriptures to Israelis who commonly work in shopping
mall kiosks. One of the unique aspects of Jewish
missions involves crossing paths with many types of
Gentiles. Zerayim, therefore, is very careful not to
disregard these Great Commission opportunities. Jesse
Boyd is the founder and director of this ministry.
Along with Jesse’s wife, Jamie, and children,
Eric & Mindy Trent joined FPGM in the “field” in
2018 and have recommitted for two more years of
ministry. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Heart of G-d Ministries |
Richard & Carolyn Hyde |
Tiberias, ISRAEL |
Heart of G-d Ministries was founded by Messianic
Believers Richard and Carolyn Hyde. Richard, a Gentile
Believer, was born in Texas. He graduated from Oral
Roberts University and lived in Europe and Asia for five
years, planting congregations there. He then studied at
the Institute of Holy Land Studies where he completed
the course work for a master’s degree in Middle East
Studies. After returning to the US, Richard married
Carolyn Margolin– eventually making Aliyah to Israel.
Currently, Richard is the director of Heart of G-d
Ministries, helping to plant and build up new
congregations in the Land. Carolyn was raised in
an Orthodox Jewish home near Chicago, graduated from
University of Illinois as an Registered Nurse, and
practiced nursing for many years. She led worship at
Beth Simcha Congregation for ten years and has served as
Worship Chair for the Union of Messianic Jewish
Congregations in the US. In Israel, Carolyn has served
as worship leader at several congregations. Carolyn has
recorded several Messianic Music CDs, a smaller,
yet we believe, an effective ministry in Israel. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Israel Media Ministries |
Ze'ev & Rachel Nevo |
Indian Land, SC, USA |
Israel Media Ministries was founded by Ze’ev
Nevo in 2011. Ze’ev is a Messianic Jewish Believer
from Israel now living in SC. The goals of Israel Media
Ministries are: (1) Evangelistic advertising
outreaches in Israel and worldwide, (2) Producing
evangelistic advertising as a ministry to churches,
ministries and organizations who love Israel and the
Jewish people, (3) Communicating the gospel message
to Israelis in their own Hebrew language with a
cultural understanding of the Israeli mind and Jewish
thinking, (4) Creating a network of discipleship
teams all throughout Israel and the world, (5)
Exhorting and activating evangelism in the body of
Messiah, (6) Fostering Biblical understanding,
prayer partners and financial support for Jewish
evangelism, (7) Sharing the good news with
multitudes of Jewish people every year. Over a million
people have heard the Gospel message in Hebrew through
watching the “Hear O Israel” videos for the book
of Matthew. IMM is currently in the process of doing the
book of John. Ze’ev has become a friend over the years,
speaking at Beit Yeshua assemblies and bringing his
family to Beit Yeshua’s Passover Seder. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Makor HaTikvah |
Cookie Schwaeber_Issan |
Jerusalem, ISRAEL |
As the only Messianic Day-School in Jerusalem, Makor
HaTikvah offers exceptional academic education
together with Biblical instruction and godly character
development to students from elementary to middle school
age. They desire to provide students with an excellent
Hebrew education that is both academic and spiritual,
with an emphasis on the shared culture, history and
values of their people; to promote a love for God and
His Word, to encourage a personal walk with Yeshua, the
Messiah of Israel, respect for others and accountability
for one's actions; and to equip students for higher
education, giving them the foundational skills and
values necessary to live their lives as Jewish Believers
in the land of their forefathers. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Vision For Israel |
Barry & Batya Segal |
Modi'in, ISRAEL |
Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse
are humanitarian-aid organizations founded by Messianic
Believers Barry & Batya Segal. Barry is well known as a
musician, singer, international Bible speaker,
journalist and the host and producer of the television
series "Roots & Reflections" on God TV. Barry
grew up in the USA and discovered Yeshua (Jesus) as a
young musician living a colorful lifestyle in Detroit
and Cleveland. Barry made aliyah, moving to Israel in
1981, where he met and married Batya, a Messianic song
writer, while they both were working for Derek Prince
Ministries. They have appeared on numerous Christian
TV programs in the US, including The 700 Club.
Barry & Batya formed and founded Vision For Israel
in 1994. The nine areas of ministry for VFI are: (1)
Victims of Terror, (2) Lone Soldiers -
Ministering to IDF soldier who have no family in Israel,
(3) Education - backpacks and coats for kids,
(4) Medical Needs - including purchasing ambulances
for hospitals, (5) Emergency Relief, (6) New
Immigrants, (7) Welfare - for the needy,
(8) Holocaust Survivors, and (9) the Millennium
Center. The Millennium Center is located in Modi'in,
Israel, the heart of the country, allowing them to reach
the entire population faster with lifesaving aid in
times of peace and war. Beit Yeshua's giving to VFI is
earmarked for Lone Soldiers. |
There are two additional ministries in the
Charlotte, NC, area that Beit Yeshua has worked hand-in-hand
with for years. |
Messianic Ministries |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Highway To Zion |
Cathy Hargett |
Charlotte, NC |
Highway To Zion Ministries was established out of a
heart that is faint with love for Yeshua and His
worship, fully expecting that His return for the One New
Man, which He describes in Ephesians 2:15-16, is
imminent. Believing that there is a progressive move of
the Spirit in the realm of "understanding Jewish roots
of the Christian faith", we are compelled to proclaim
that the fulfillment of prophetic destiny for all who
love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is at hand.
This destiny will culminate for all of us when Eternity
intersects with earth in the City of Jerusalem at the
return of Yeshua HaMashiach. The promise of the
restoration of Israel and the restoration of all things
is soon to be fulfilled. We have a role to play and God
has revealed it in His Word. Highway To Zion Founder &
Director, Cathy Hargett, hosts annual immersion
trips (or service trips) to Israel and had a vision to
see a connection between Believers in the US with the
Messianic Community in The Land. |
Name of Ministry |
Leaders |
Location |
Love For His People |
Steve & Laurie Martin |
Charlotte, NC |
worked for 24 years with three prominent ministries
(Derek Prince Ministries, Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda
Ministries/All Nations Church, and Vision For Israel,
Steve Martin founded Love For His People in
2010 primarily to bless the Jews of Israel, and
specifically the Believers within the nation of Israel -
those who have come to acknowledge that Yeshua/Jesus is
the Messiah. Love For His People desires to do their
part in speaking up for those who, for centuries,
experienced nothing more than "hate" in the "name of
Christ", from so-called Christians and to help eradicate
the false doctrine of "Replacement Theology" - that the
Church has "replaced" the Jewish people, instead of
being called to serve along side of them. |