Names of God |
The Holy One of Israel has been given many names and titles.
Those of us in English speaking countries tend to call Him by
only a few, but there is a rich history of names that God has
given Himself. |
You may notice that the name "Jehovah" is not seen here.
The name Jehovah is a poor translation of the Hebrew word
translated as YHWH in English, which is the most holy name for
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. |
The Hebrew Aleph-Bet contains no letter "J" and proper names
which we pronounce with a "J" really start with "Y" in the Old
Covenant. For instance, Jerusalem is really Yerushalayim
and Jesus is actually Yeshua. |
ELOHIM & Variants of the Name |
ELOHIM: "God", referring to God's power and might.
[Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1] |
ELOHAY CHASDI: "God on My Kindness" [Psalm
59:11, 18] |
ELOHIM CHAIYIM: "Living God" [Jeremiah
10:10] |
ELOHAY ELOHIM: "God of Gods" [Deuteronomy
10:17] |
ELOHAY HARUCHOT LEKOL BASAR: "God of the Spirits of All
Flesh" [Numbers 16:22] |
ELOHAY KEDEM: "God of the Beginning"
[Deuteronomy 33:27] |
ELOHIM KEDOSHIM: "Holy God" [Leviticus 19:2,
Joshua 24:19] |
ELOHAY KOL BASAR: "God of All Flesh"
[Jeremiah 32:27] |
ELOHAY MARON: "God of Heights" [Micah 6:6] |
ELOHAY MAUZI: "God of My Strength" [Psalm
43:2] |
ELOHAY MIHPAT: "God of Justice" [Isaiah
30:18] |
ELOHAY MIKAROV: "God Who is Near" [Jeremiah
23:23] |
ELOHAY SELICHOT: "God of Forgiveness"
[Nehemiah 9:17] |
ELOHAY TEHILATI: "God of My Praise" [Psalm
109:1] |
ELOHAY TZ'VAOT: "God of Hosts" or "God of Armies"
[2 Samuel 5:10] |
ELOHAY TZUR: "God of Rock" [ 2 Samuel 22:47 |
ELOHAY YISHI: "God of My Salvation" [Psalm
18:47, 25:5] |
EL |
EL: "God" - El is a simple form related to Elohim |
EL BRIT: "God of the Covenant" |
EL CHAIYAI: "The God of My Life" [Psalm
42:9] |
EL CHANUN: "The Gracious God" [Jonah 4:2] |
EL DE'OT: "The God of Knowledge" [1 Samuel 2:3] |
EL ECHAD: "The One God" [Malachi 2:10] |
EL ELYON: "The Most High God" [Genesis
14:18] |
EL EMET: "The God of Truth" [Psalm 31:6] |
EL EMUNAH: "The Faithful God" [Deuteronomy
32:4] |
EL GIBOR: "The Mighty God" [Isaiah 9:6] |
EL HA-GADOL: "The Great God" [Deuteronomy
10:17] |
EL HA-NE'EMAN: "The Faithful God" [Deuteronomy 7:9] |
EL HA-Kadosh: "The Holy God" [Isaiah 5:16] |
EL HA-KAVOD: "The God of Glory, Respect or Honor"
[Psalm 29:3] |
EL HA-SHAMAYIM: "The God of the Heavens" [Psalm
136:26] |
EL KANA: "The Jealous God" [Deuteronomy
4:24] |
EL OLAM: "The God of Eternity" or "The God of the
Universe" [Genesis 21:33] |
EL RACHUM" "The God of Compassion"
[Deuteronomy 4:31] |
EL RO'I: "The God Who Sees" [Genesis
16:12-13] |
EL SALI: "God of My Rock" [Psalm 42:10] |
EL SHADDAI: "God the All Sufficient"
[Genesis 17:1] |
EL SIMCHAT GILI: "God the Joy of My
Exaltation" [Psalm 43:4] |
EL TZADIK: "The Righteous God" [Isaiah
45:21] |
EL YESHUATI: "The God of My Salvation:
[Isaiah 12:2] |
EL YISRAEL: "The God of Israel" [Psalm
68:36] |
EL YESHURUN: "The God of Righteous" - Yeshurun is
another name for Israel [Deuteronomy 33:26] |
EMMANU-EL: "God is With Us" [Isaiah 7:14] |
ELAH SH'MAYA: "God of Heaven" [Ezra 7:23] |
ELAH SH'MAYA V'ARAH: "God of Heaven & Earth [Ezra
5:11] |
ELAH YERUSH'LEM: "God of Jerusalem" [Ezra 7:19] |
ELAH YISRAEL: "God of Israel" [Ezra 5:1] |
ELOAH: "God" - Eloah is the singular of Elohim.
It is found 50 times in the Bible |
YAHWEH: "God" - a reference to God's divine salvation |
YAHWEH ELOHAY: "The Lord My God" [Zechariah
14:5] |
YAHWEH ELOHEKA: "The Lord Thy God" [Exodus
20:2, 5] |
YAHWEH ELOHEINU: "The Lord Our God" [Psalm
99:5, 8] |
YAHWEH ELOHIM: "LORD God" [Genesis 2:4] |
YAHWEH HOSEENU: "The Lord Our Maker" [Psalm
95:6] |
YAHWEH MACCADDESHEM: "The Lord thy Sanctifier"
[Exodus 31:13] |
YAHWEH NISSI: "The Lord Our Banner" [Exodus
17:15] |
YAHWEH ROFEHCHA: "The Lord Our Healer"
{Exodus 15:26] |
YAHWEH ROHI: "The Lord My Shepherd" [Psalm
23:1] |
YAHWEH SABBAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts" [Isaiah
6:1-3] |
YAHWEH SHALOM: "The Lord is Peace" [Judges
6:24] |
YAHWEH SHAMMAH: "The Lord Who is Present"
[Ezekiel 48:38] |
YAHWEH TSIDKENU: "The Lord Our Salvation"
[Jeremiah 23:6] |
YAHWEH YIREH: "The Lord Will Provide"
[Genesis 22:13-14] |
YAH: "God" - a shortened form of YHVH. YAH appears
primarily in the book of Psalms. Psalm 122:3-4 says that
"Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together; to which
the tribes of YAH (the LORD) go up." It is also found in
the compound word "Hallelu-YAH", which means "Praise God". |
ADONAI: "Lord" - referring to the Lordship of God
[Malachi 1:6] |
ADONAI Ha'ADONIM: "The Lord of Lords"
[Deuteronomy 10:17] |
Various Others |
G-D: This is a modern day spelling used by Orthodox Jews
and denotes that God's name is too holy to spell in full. |
Ha'SHEM: "The Name" - This, too, denotes that God's name
if too holy to be written or spoken. |
Titles & Names For MESSIAH |
Adam, 2nd |
1 Corinthians 15:45 |
Advocate |
1 John 2:1 |
Almighty |
Revelation 1:18 |
Amen |
Revelation 3:14 |
Alpha & Omega |
Revelation 1:8; 22:13 |
Angel of the Lord |
Exodus 3:2; Judges 13:15-18 |
Angel |
Genesis 48:16; Exodus 23:20-21 |
Angel of God's Presence |
Isaiah 63:9 |
Apostle |
Hebrews 3:1 |
Arm of the Lord |
Isaiah 51:9; 53:1 |
Author & Finisher of Our Faith |
Hebrews 12:2 |
Blessed & Only Potentate |
1 Timothy 6:15 |
Beginning of the Creation of God |
Revelation 3:14 |
Branch |
Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 3:8; 6:12 |
Bread of Life |
John 6:35, 48 |
Captain of the Lord's Hosts |
Joshua 5:14-15 |
Captain of Salvation |
Hebrews 2:10 |
Chief Shepherd |
1 Peter 5:4 |
Christ of God |
Luke 9:20 |
Consolation of Israel |
Luke 2:25 |
Chief Cornerstone |
Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6 |
Commander |
Isaiah 55:4 |
Counselor |
Isaiah 9:6 |
David |
Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiek 34:23 |
Dayspring |
Luke 1:78 |
Desire of All Nations |
Haggai 2:7 |
Door |
John 10:7 |
Elect of God |
Isaiah 42:1 |
Emmanuel |
Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23 |
Eternal Life |
1 John 1:2; 5:20 |
Everlasting Father |
Isaiah 9:6 |
Faithful Witness |
Revelation 1:5; 3:14 |
First and Last |
Revelation 1:17; 2:8 |
First Begotten of the Dead |
Revelation 1:5 |
First Born of Every Creature |
Colossians 1:15 |
Forerunner |
Hebrews 6:20 |
God |
Isaiah 40:9; John 20:28 |
God Blessed Forever |
Romans 9:5 |
God's Fellow |
Zechariah 13:7 |
Glory of the Lord |
Isaiah 40:5 |
Good Shepherd |
John 10:14 |
Great High Priest |
Hebrews 4:14 |
Governor |
Matthew 2:6 |
Head of the Church |
Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18 |
Heir of All Things |
Hebrews 1:2 |
Holy One |
Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27, 31 |
Holy One of God |
Mark 1:24 |
Holy One of Israel |
Isaiah 41:14 |
Horn of Salvation |
Luke 1:69 |
I AM |
Exodus 3:14; John 8:58 |
Jehovah |
Isaiah 26:4 |
Jesus |
Matthew 1:21; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 |
Judge of Israel |
Micah 5:1 |
Just One |
Acts 7:52; Matthew 21:5 |
King |
Zechariah 9:9 |
King of Israel |
John 1:49 |
King of the Jews |
Matthew 2:2 |
King of Saints |
Revelation 15:3 |
King of Kings |
1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14 |
Law Giver |
Isaiah 33:22 |
Lamb |
Revelation 5:6, 12; 13:8; 21:22; 22:3 |
Lamb of God |
John 1:29, 36 |
Leader |
Isaiah 55:4 |
Life |
John 14:6; Colossians 3:4; 1 John 1:2 |
Light of the World |
John 8:12 |
Lion of the Tribe of Judah |
Revelation 5:5 |
Lord of Glory |
1 Corinthians 2:8 |
Lord of All |
Acts 10:36 |
Lord Our Righteousness |
Jeremiah 23:6 |
Lord God of the Holy Prophets |
Revelation 22:6 |
Lord God Almighty |
Revelation 15:3 |
Mediator |
1 Timothy 2:5 |
Messenger of the Covenant |
Malachi 3:1 |
Messiah |
Daniel 9:25; John 1:41 |
Mighty God |
Isaiah 9:6 |
Mighty One of Jacob |
Isaiah 60:16 |
Morning Star |
Revelation 22:16 |
Nazarene |
Matthew 2:23 |
Offspring of David |
Revelation 22:16 |
Only Begotten |
John 1:14 |
Our Passover |
1 Corinthians 5:7 |
Plant of Renown |
Ezekiel 34:29 |
Prince of Life |
Acts 3:15 |
Prince of Peace |
Isaiah 9:6 |
Prince of the Kings of the Earth |
Revelation 1:5 |
Prophet |
Luke 24:19; John 7:40 |
Ransom |
1 Timothy 2:6 |
Redeemer |
Job 19:25; Isaiah 59:20; 60:16 |
Resurrection and Life |
John 11:25 |
Rock |
1 Corinthians 10:4 |
Root of David |
Revelation 22:16 |
Root of Jesse |
Isaiah 11:10 |
Ruler of Israel |
Micah 5:2 |
Savior |
2 Peter 2:20; 3:18 |
Servant |
Isaiah 42:1; 52:13 |
Shepherd & Bishop of Souls |
1 Peter 2:25 |
Shiloh |
Genesis 49:10 |
Son of the Blessed |
Mark 14:61 |
Son of God |
Luke 1:35; John 1:49 |
Son of the Highest |
Luke 1:32 |
Son of David |
Matthew 9:27 |
Son of Man |
John 5:27; 6:37 |
Star |
Numbers 24:17 |
Sun of Righteousness |
Malachi 4:2 |
Surety |
Hebrews 7:22 |
True God |
1 John 5:20 |
True Light |
John 1:9 |
True Vine |
John 15:1 |
Truth |
John 14:6 |
Way |
John 14:6 |
Wisdom |
Proverbs 8:12 |
Witness |
Isaiah 55:4 |
Wonderful |
Isaiah 9:6 |
Word |
John 1:1; 5:7 |
Word of God |
Revelation 19:13 |
Word of Life |
1 John 1:1 |
Titles & Names of the Holy
Spirit |
A Spirit of Fire |
Isaiah 4:4 |
A Spirit of Judgment |
Isaiah 4:4 |
Free Spirit |
Psalm 51:12 |
God |
Acts 5:3-4 |
Good Spirit |
Nehemiah 9:20 |
Power of the Highest |
Luke 1:35 |
Spirit of Adoption |
Romans 8:15 |
Spirit of Prophecy |
Revelation 19:10 |
Spirit of God - God's Spirit |
1 Corinthians 3:16; Romans 8:9 |
Spirit of the Father |
Matthew 10:20 |
The Breath of the Almighty |
Job 33:4 |
The Counselor |
John 14:26; 15:26: 16:7 |
The Eternal Spirit |
Hebrews 9:14 |
The Holy Spirit |
Luke 11:13 |
The Oil of Joy |
Hebrews 1:9; Galatians 5:22 |
The Promised Holy Spirit |
Ephesians 1:13; Acts 1:4-5; 2:33 |
The Spirit |
1 Corinthians 2:10 |
The Spirit of Christ |
Romans 8:9 |
The Spirit of Counsel |
Isaiah 11:12 |
The Spirit of Glory |
1 Peter 4:14 |
The Spirit of Grace |
Hebrews 10:29 |
The Spirit of His Son |
Galatians 4:6 |
The Spirit of Holiness |
Romans 1:4 |
The Spirit of Jesus |
Acts 16:6-7 |
The Spirit of Jesus Christ |
Philippians 1:19 |
The Spirit of Knowledge |
Isaiah 11:12 |
The Spirit of Life |
Romans 8:2 |
The Spirit of Power |
Isaiah 11:12 |
The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord |
Isaiah 11:12 |
The Spirit of the Living God |
2 Corinthians 3:3 |
The Spirit of the Lord |
Isaiah 11:112; Isaiah 63:14 |
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord |
Isaiah 61:1 |
The Spirit of Truth |
John 14:4; 15:26; 16:3 |
The Spirit of Understanding |
Isaiah 11:12 |
The Spirit of Wisdom |
Isaiah 11:12 |
http://www.delusionresistance.org/christian/namesofgod.html |