
    Machol Israeli Folk Dance
200o to 2005




at ...

Gates of Praise

Bible Church

Dance Camp

TNT Club
Buker Hill
High School

West Middle





















































































































Gates of Praise Messianic Congregation, Crouse, NC


Gates of Praise relocated to Lincolnton, NC in 2005
when Greg & Linda moved to South Carolina
and became Beit Yeshua in 2008



Curtis leads dance at Gates of Praise

Dance is so much Fun!





Circle within a circle Linda and Greg The group gets a tip from Curtis

Hine Ma Tov


Purim Party - give us a chance
and we'll find any corner to dance!

Dance at Gates of Praise


Gates of Praise Dancers at Sar Shalom

Entire families get involved

Pausing for Oneg


Hope of Israel Dancers visit
Gates of Praise

Tuesday night dance practice

Dancing at a Messianic Wedding


Covenant Bible Church, Lincolnton, NC


Curtis teaches Israeli Folk Dance is taught at Covenant Bible Church
on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month (except December)
For more information, contact him at 828-241-2233


Over the head Men step out for the first time. Lifted High

On the shoulder Kissing the tsit-tsits Into a Mayim


From Banners....

to tallits...

 to pennants...


From men...

to women...

to children...


Let everything that hath breath Praise the Lord!


Most of the Machol Dancers current performance pieces take place when
Beit Yeshua meets to celebrate the Festivals of the Lord


From Pose...

To Practice...

To Performance...

"Latter Day" by Barry & Batya Segal was a colorful presentation.

Ministry Away from Home...

Zion Center For Worship & Arts (Resurrection Lutheran Dance Camp), Charlotte, NC

Even mini-classes in the foyer

Always bring a camcorder!

From all over the world

Instructing an Advanced Class 2003

Timor videos to take back to Kurgestan.

1 2 3 4, All together now!


From Beginner...

To Intermediate...

To Advanced...

Large group of 50+ at Dance Camp 2003

Foot work on Hora Agadatti

Dance Camp 2004


Learning basic steps and the name of the steps is a requirement for a beginning dancer.

Learning the basic Mayim Step. Skip-hop in and out. Tcherkessia with raised hands.
The advanced group from 2004 practice "Barchu Et Adonai" by Paul Wilbur.

The entire body involved in worship 3-point turn Walking, Balance & Sway
Some people enjoy Hebrew Dance so much
they came to Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced.

The Faces of Worship


A dancer's face tells most of the story.

The tallit is a wonderful worship tool.

Entire families get involved


 Resurrection Family Church, Hickory, NC

Preparing for Rosh Hashanna presentation

With all your might!


Dancers from all over come together Real Men "DO" dance! "Sing & Dance" by Jonathan Settel

"Kol Dodi" by Chuck King


Creating a six-pointed star

The ladies helped out

 16 men get involved.




Same style, different colors allow new dancers to easily meet costume requirements. Same color, different style of blouses, tied together by tunic and head scarf.

White allows you to change accessories, like this red tunic that is reversible (blue on the other side).


We're students, too!


TNT Club: Teens-In-Touch with God


This was the first time we had worked with a group of just high school students.

West Middle School

This was the first time I had been back in the classroom since I retired as an 8th grade Math teacher for 30 years in May of 2005.  It was also the first time I had taught 3 groups of 7th grade students Israeli Folk Dance.


1 Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth ...

Catawba Methodist Church VBS
After we got back from our trip to Israel, we received an invitation to come teach Israeli Folk Dance at the Catawba Methodist Church Vacation Bible School.  Their theme was "Bethlehem Village", and they learned about many areas of Jewish life.  The kids and all the teachers dressed in Biblical garments. 

We worked with three different groups, then had the opportunity for everyone to dance together at the end of the evening.  I loved the VBS theme.  I wish other churches would find it and use it!