Beit Yeshua
& Machol

History - The Middle Years
2006 - 2010





The River
VBS Catawba


Dance Class
VFI Conference
DaNa's Wedding
Dance Camp
Dance Class


Dance Class
"Peace of Jerusalem"
VFI Conference
Evening Hon. Israel
Dance Class
Yom Teruah
Paul Wilbur


VFI Conference
Evening Hon. Israel
Gateway Bapt. Church
Yom Teruah
"Latter Days"
"Peace of Jerusalem"
Hanukkah @ VFI


Dance Class
VFI Conference
Evening Hon. Israel
"On Your Walls"
Dance Class
Torah Dedication
HTZ Assembly
Yom Teruah
"We Speak Nations"
Sukkot @ Bostic
Marty Goetz
HTZ Assembly
Hanukkah @ BS


















































































































Machol Dance Ministry


Curtis & Carolyn Loftin had been teaching and performing Israeli Folk Dance for about 10 years when they joined Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton, NC, in 1999.  It wasn't too long after they started attending Covenant that they were asked to start an Israeli Folk Dance class at the church.  Initially it was just Curtis and Carolyn with seven other ladies.  Beit Yeshua was founded in 2001 and Israeli Folk Dance was a major part of their Shabbat and Festival Meetings.  As time passed, in addition to dancing at Covenant and Beit Yeshua, the Machol Dancers were invited to dance at other churches and congregations as well as conferences.  Curtis & Carolyn also taught Israeli Folk Dance at the Resurrection Lutheran Church International Dance Camp in Charlotte.






January 2006 - Dance Practice at THE RIVER

As we moved into 2006, we were doing our dance practices at The River Church in Lincolnton thanks to the graciousness of Pastor Bill Shupp.

Even though we do traditional Israeli Folk Dances (as well as some newly choreographed dances),
most of the music we dance to is either Messianic or Contemporary Praise & Worship

Becky Jones, Chalmers Van Deusen, Kirk Herbertson, Connie Fox, Christi Rykhus, Lynda Williams, Janice Stroup, Jesse, Da'na Mathis



(Left) Da'na, Myrl Peeler, Bruce Jones, Curtis Loftin, Chalmers VanDeusen, Kirk Herbertson, Doris & Jesse
(Right) Curtis, Bruce, Connie, Doug Williams, John Michael Williams, Becky, Janice, Jesse & Doris



(Left) Curtis, Connie, Bruce, Mary Grace Williams, John Michael, Lynda, Becky;    (Right) Doris, Christi, Jesse, Janice, Chalmers


Da'na teaches a dance

Da'na, Becky, Chrisi, Bruce, Myrl, Curtis, Connnie, Doris


April 2006 - Pesach & Dance

We held our 2006 Pesach Seder at THE RIVER and had our largest crowd to date - with 70 in attendance.  The tables were set up for the Seder in one room and we had our time of praise & worship at the end of the evening in the church sanctuary room.

The large Jerusalem mural was created for the Pesach 2006 Seder and was stapled to the sheetrock walls


Dancing in the sanctuary after the Seder

Becky Jones, Carolyn Loftin, Doris, Leslie Costner, Lynda Williams, Jinnie DeHawn


June 2006 - Vacation Bible School at Catawba Methodist Church

Curtis & Carolyn were invited to teach Israeli Folk Dance at the Catawba Methodist Church Vacation Bible School in June 2006.  Each of the Bible School classes had the name of a Biblical Tribe (named for the sons of Jacob) and the ages of each class were mixed from pre-school to middle school.

Curtis teaches a simple dance with the mixed-age and mixed-gender group


Working with a smaller group of boys



Teaching a larger group of children and adults





March 2007 - Dance Classes at Covenant Bible Church

THE RIVER Church disbanded at the end of 2006 and we were wondering if we would be continuing with our Israeli Folk Dance Class - and if so, where.  Curtis talked with Covenant Bible Church's new pastor, Mike Divine, who welcomed the dancers to use the Family Life Center for their dance classes.
As the class resumed in February of 2006, there were some returning dancers as well as some new ones.  Even though we have done several children's dance classes in the past, including a 6-weeks class, we don't usually have children as part of the adult dance class unless they are 13-years-old.  As we started the 2007 classes, several couples requested the opportunity to bring their children along with them and supervised them during the class.
Bruce & Becky Jones' daughters, Clara & Helen, dance with their parents.  Andy & Jane Melnyk's children, Sam, Peter and Mary join the group, too.  Paul & Susan Miles had recently become a part of Beit Yeshua and joined the dance classes.

13 March 2007 Israeli Folk Dance Class in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church




Paul Miles, Da'na Mathis, Lynda Williams, Myrl Peeler, Curtis Loftin and Sam Melnyk


The experienced dancers teach the new ones the dance "Hine Ma Tov" and "Zemer Atik"




March 2007 - Vision For Israel Conference

Vision For Israel (with Directors Barry & Batya Segal) had their first annual conference at Heritage USA the third weekend in March of 2007.  We had been used to dancing, and even leading Israeli Folk Dance, at other conferences, so we weren't bashful with stepping out during praise and worship.

Batya lights Shabbat candles and Barry says blessings over the bread & wine


As Curtis leads, Paul, Susan, Doug and Lynda follow - as do several ladies that we didn't know ... followed by Marcia



The Resurrection Dancers were there to perform and they quickly joined us for dance during praise & worship





April 2007 - Pesach Seder

We were in need of a place to observe Pesach for 2007.  Curtis contacted Pastor Mike Divine and asked if it would be possible for Beit Yeshua to use the Family Life Center for their annual Pesach Seder.  Pastor Mike and "Yes" and encouraged us to do so again the following year.  The attendance at our annual Seder continued to grow - reaching 100 in attendance.

A combination of low seating and regular seating was used


Dancing has always been a part of our praise and worship before the Seder - in the beginning, we danced after the Seder was over


Curtis' granddaughter, Alexandria, is too young (and small) to dance with the adults, so she dances outside of the circle



June 2007 - Messianic Wedding

When one of Machol's very own dancers, Da'na Mathis, married Mark Motto in June of 2007, Curtis was asked to lead the dancing after the wedding.  The wedding was at the Forest City Clubhouse in Forest City, NC.  The wedding was outside but the reception and dancing was in the clubhouse.  There was even a Klezmer Band for the festivities.

Mark & Da'na stand under the chuppa with Mark's rabbi


The simplest dances were chosen so that anyone who wanted to dance could get up and join in



Da'na is a dancer at heart so it didn't take long before she had Mark out there dancing, too
As more and more people move from outside to inside, the number of dancers increased, too


The band played and played and played


As Da'na & Mark held a hankerchief, they were lifted up onto chairs ...


... and the ladies moved in to do a circle dance around the entire group as the festive music plays



Curtis and Connie are asked to be the two witnesses to sign the Ketuba - the Jewish Wedding Contract/License

July 2007 - Resurrection Dance Camp
Curtis & Carolyn were asked to return to the Zion Center Worship Arts Conference sponsored by the dance ministry of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Charlotte.  The conference was from July 23-27, 2007. Curtis & Carolyn would be teaching Israeli Folk Dance.  Israeli Folk Dance requires no previous dance background as long as you've got some rhythm anybody can do it. 
MONDAY - Teaching "Sulam Ya'achov"
TUESDAY - Teaching "Chofesh" and "Hine Ma Tov" (Below Right)
WEDNESDAY - Teaching "Debka Mimouna"
I also picked up an "Extra" class on Wednesday
THURSDAY - Thursday's class moved to the dance class at CPCC (Central Piedmont Community College)
and was the largest group for Israeli Folk Dance for the week due to less schedule conflicts
FRIDAY - Friday's class was back over at the Methodist Church - Teaching the worship dance "Kadosh"

August 2007 - Israeli Folk Dance Class

The LORD blessed us and the number of dancers continued to grow through 2007.  Curtis was contacted by a lady who was interested in bringing a group who wanted to take part in this August 21st Israeli Folk Dance class.

Curtis started the class 30 minutes early so that the group could learn the basic Israeli dance steps before the regular class started




The group of new dancers learn the left coupe step


As the regular dancers begin to arrive, Curtis gives additional instruction for some basic dances



As the larger group moves into a circle to begin the dance ...


... Connie gives some one-on-one instruction


September 2007 - Israeli Folk Dance Class


Curtis works with the advanced dancers





February 2008 - Israeli Folk Dance Class


Curtis and Myrl work on some steps before the rest of the dancers arrive





March 2008 - Israeli Folk Dance Class

By 2008, we had lost Bruce, Becky & Kate Jones as their family relocated to another state.  Celia Smith and Marcia Bachmeier had become regular participants in the class.

We might be going in several different directions but at least the confusion over the new dance brought a few smiles


Finally the steps of "Mi Ha Ish" begin to come together


Doing pretty good on part two of the dance but struggling a little bit with part three


It's harder to dance when you have your back turned to everyone else




March 2008 - "Peace of Jerusalem"
The song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman became a favorite with us from the time we first learned it.  Myrl took the dance "Im Hu PalNu" and modified it slightly for the new song and it also became a favorite.  It had been several years since we had done any type of performance dance at Covenant but we felt impressed of the LORD to share this particular dance with the church during the Sunday morning offering.
25 March 2008 Practice in the Church Sanctuary
"Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Her People; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Shalom Israel"
"As watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, We cry out night and day; Till your streets overflow with rejoicing,And your temples are filled with praise"
"Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Her People; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Shalom Israel"
"Shalom Israel!"
(Top) Lynda Williams, Doug Williams, Marcia Bachmeier, Sheryl Long, Paul Miles Susan Miles, Beverly Dalrymple, Celia Smith, Curtis Loftin, Kirk Herbertson, Laura Cromer; (Holding Flag) Janice Stroup & Myrl Peeler
06 April 2013 Performance in the Church Sanctuary 
Dressed in combinations of black, white, blue and gold - the dancers shared the song & dance on April 6th
"Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Her People; Lord, We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Shalom Israel"
"As watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, We cry out night and day; Till your streets overflow with rejoicing, And your temples are filled with praise"
"Shalom Israel!"
April 2008 - Vision For Israel Conference

Barry & Batya Segal were back at Heritage USA the weekend of April 10th, 2008, for the annual Vision For Israel Conference (Friday night and all day on Saturday).  Even though there was a cost to attend the yearly conference to help pay for the facility, the praise, worship, dance, teaching, fellowship and other activities made it an annual event we didn't want to miss.  Most of us that attended stayed on site - even eating our meals in the facility.

Barry greets everyone and thanks them for coming out
There was a large group of us in attendance at the conference
As praise and worship begins, Curtis, Myrl, Janice, Doug and Lynda move out to lead dance
As the morning and afternoon sessions of the conference end, we take our CD player and move into the hallway for some more dancing
Cheryl Rushlow (in purple), a volunteer with Vision For Israel, joins us for dancing and a friendship is born
It was also at this conference where we first met Terry Alexander (in red)
There are always people who want to dance - they're just waiting for someone to lead and others to follow

April 2008 - Pesach/Passover Seder

Beit Yeshua had their first Pesach Seder in Curtis & Carolyn's home in the Spring of 2000.  Each year thereafter, the group hosted an annual Seder.  2008 was the 2nd year to use the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church for the group of 120.

Guests spend some time fellowshipping as they wait for 7:00 p.m. and everyone to arrive


Machol has been able to use Beit Yeshua's Biblical Festival celebrations to introduce dance to Believers



May 2008 - Beit Yeshua's First Annual Evening Honoring Israel

On 09 May 2008, Beit Yeshua has its first annual Evening Honoring Israel in honor in Israel's 60th Birthday at the home of Doug & Lynda Williams.  The beautiful late Spring weather allowed us to have the meeting out on Doug & Lynda's patio.
Israeli flags and blue & white decorations made the outdoor setting festive

May 2008 - Israeli Folk Dance Class

Chuck & Janice Anthony, Rita Richards, Nancy Shults and Laura Cromer had joined us for dance by May of 2008.  By this time we no longer taught Beginner Classes.  We taught the basic steps at the beginning of the evening for new dancers and started almost everyone at an Intermediate Level.  We usually started with the easier dances and then progressed to the harder ones as the evening progressed.  That way the beginner dancers could drop out if it got too hard but we still had a few harder dances to challenge the advanced dancers.

Learning the Israeli Folk Dance "Hora Medura" ("Campfire Hora")


"Left Mayim 2 3 4 - Then lean over and Run 2 3 4"


"4 Right Slides, then Into the Center 2 3 4, out 2 3 4"


Teaching "Im Hu PalNu"


"Right foot stomp, walking into the center R L R L, Right foot stomp"

July 2008 - Israeli Folk Dance Class
By July 2008 Jeanne Elledge had become a regular part of the Machol Dancers.  She even brought her friend Victoria with her on several occasions.  It was also good to have Madelyn Lopez back with us for a season.
"Hine Ma Tov" ("Behold How Good")

"Hora Medura" ("Campfire Hora")
"Mi Ha Ish" ("Who is the Man")
September 2008 - Yom Teruah - Feast of Trumpets - The Ancient Jewish Wedding
On Friday, 22 September 2008, Beit Yeshua hosted its first Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) Celebration in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church.  Themes of Yom Teruah include the catching away of Believes and the wedding of Messiah Yeshua and His Bride.  We asked everyone to wear white - symbolic of their wedding garments.
Praise, worship and dance at the beginning of the celebration
"The Ancient Jewish Wedding"
The Bridegroom chooses his Bride and the wedding party rejoices together
The Bridegroom and his Bride under the wedding chuppa
Messiah Yeshua will come back for a bride without spot or blemish - and is crowned King of Kings
(Left to Right) BRIDE'S ATTENDANT: Myrl Peeler, BRIDE'S FATHER: Barry Finley, BRIDEGROOM'S FRIEND: Chuck Anthony,
BRIDEGROOM: Jeremy Elledge, BRIDEGROOM'S FATHER: Doug Williams, BRIDE: Jeanne Elledge
November 2008 - Paul Wilbur Concert
Paul Wilbur was in concert on 08 November 2008 at Ridgecrest and since he is one of our favorite Messianic performers, many of the dancers from Machol were there to worship the LORD, enjoy the concert, and to dance.
Time for some fellowship as we wait for the concert to begin
After meeting Bob & Cheryl Rushlow at the 2008 Vision For Israel Conference, we "adopted" them
Paul shared and sang during the course of the evening
And as the music began, we moved out to dance
There were so many guests in attendance at the concert, that we had a hard time finding a place to dance
We finally found a space to the left of the stage near the product tables



March 2009 - Vision For Israel Conference

Vision For Israel hosted their annual conference on the weekend of March 13-14, 2009 at Heritage USA, in Fort Mill, South Carolina.  Beit Yeshua and the Machol Dancers were there to give and to receive.  We had a smaller group on Friday night, but our numbers increased for the all-day Saturday conference
Friday Night
Barry & Batya come over to greet us
(Left to Right) Susan & Paul Miles, Barry & Batya Segal, Chuck & Janice Anthony, Lynda Williams (sitting),
Doug Williams, Beverly Dalrymple, Carolyn Loftin, Melba & Barry Finley, Myrl Peeler, Andy and Jane Melnyk (Curtis Loftin, Not Pictured)
Steve Martin, Vision For Israel  U.S. Director, welcomes everyone on Friday night
Most of the dancers at the beginning of the weekend were ours, but others eventually started joining in
Since most of us chose to get a room at the Heritage Grand Hotel
we sat round after the Friday night session of the conference and fellowshipped
Saturday Morning & Afternoon
There were just the Machol Dancers in the beginning but Bob & Cheryl Rushlow and Indira Persad of Vison For Israel soon joined us
Others join us as we do the simple Israel Folk Dance "Mikamocha"
After an evening meal, the larger group fellowships in the lobby while waiting for the evening session of the conference to start
(Left to Right - Back Row) Carolyn Loftin, Melba & Barry Finley, Unknown, Janice & Chuck Anthony, Jane & Andy Melnyk, Jeremy & Jeanne Elledge
(Front Row) Bob & Cherly Rushlow, Myrl Peeler, Beverly Dalrymple, Lynda Williams, Susan & Paul Miles, Doug Williams (Curtis Loftin - Not Pictured)
Saturday Evening
Barry Segal, Founder of Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse, welcomes everyone to the evening session of the conference
A larger group of dancers for Saturday night
Dancing the Israeli Folk Dance "Ani Ma Amin"

April 2009 - Pesach Seder - The Feast of Passover

On Friday, April 10, 2009, Beit Yeshua hosted their annul Pesach Seder at Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton.  Pesach provides a wonderful opportunity to teach the church about the Hebrew-Roots of Christianity and the church's debt to Israel.  It's also a wonderful time to encourage beginner dancers to get up and join the Machol Dancers during our time of praise and worship.
Israeli Folk Dance is well received at Pesach with almost as many men dancing as women dancing
Curtis removes the middle piece of matzah and it is broken - just as Messiah's body was broken

April 2009 - An Evening Honoring Israel

The Lady Machol Dancers perform at the 2009 annual An Evening Honoring Israel at Beit Yeshua
Dancing to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman

April 2009 - Gateway Baptist Church

Several of the families with Beit Yeshua homeschool their children.  Jane Melnyk invited Curtis to come to Gateway Baptist Church in Hickory, NC, to teach Israeli Folk Dance to a group of homeschool students who came together one day a week for extra activities.  Curtis was glad to do it.
Teaching the basic steps
That's Sam Melnyk in the brown t-shirt, Peter Melnyk in the red t-shirt - and Sean Pitman in the white t-shirt

September 2009 - Yom Teruah - Feast of Trumpets

On September 18, 2009, Beit Yeshua met in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church to celebrate Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets) - which many call Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year).  The Machol Dancer prepared a dance performance for the evening, with all the dancers (and much of the congregation) dressed in white, as everyone celebrated, rehearsed and anticipated the upcoming marriage of Yeshua and His Bride.
All the dancers dressed in white and the ladies with tabrets
A Star of David is part of the ending of the dance
"The Ancient Jewish Wedding" drama was part of Beit Yeshua's Yom Teruah Celebration
Everyone participates in Communion during the evening - Curtis & Carolyn Loftin
October 2009 - Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles/Booths
On Friday, October 2, 2009, Beit Yeshua celebrated the Feast of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton.  One of the themes of Sukkot is that all nations will go up to Jerusalem from year to year during Sukkot to worship the LORD during the Millennial Reign of Messiah Yeshua.
The sukkah is always the center piece and the main part of Sukkot - we dwell in temporary booths for 7 days
as a reminder of the temporary shelters the Children of Israel lived in on the way to the Promised Land
The Machol Dancers pose in front of the sukkah
"Latter Days" by Barry & Batya Segal
The Machol Dancers dress in nations costumes and carry flags as they dance to the song "Latter Days" by Barry & Batya Segal
A song of C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-O-N!
To hear the song "Latter Days" by Barry & Batya Segal, CLICK HERE
"Going up, Going up to the Mountain, Going up to the House of the Lord"
"In the Latter Days on the Mountain of Zion, all nations will flow to the House of the Lord"
"All nations will bow down to the God of Jacob, then His glory will appear"
"Going up, Going up to the House of the Lord"
"He’ll wash away the filth from the daughters of Zion, And purge all the blood of Jerusalem"
"In the Latter Days on the Mountain of Zion, all nations will flow to the House of the Lord"
"All nations will bow down to the God of Jacob, then His glory will appear"
"Going up, Going up to the Mountain, Going up to the House of the Lord"
"He will make a covering, A tabernacle of the Lord, By night a shining, flaming fire, A pillar of smoke and a cloud by day.  "
Jeremy Elledge (in IDF Uniform) held the Nations Flag, Joe Melnyk hel the Lion of Judah Flag,
Rita Richards held the Israeli Flag and Stacy Travis held the US Flag
A Closer Look at a Few of the Costumes
Rita Richards (Israel), Janice Stroup (Japan) and Myrl Peeler (India)
Jeremy Elledge (Israel IDF), Joe Melnyk (Germany) and Doug William (China)
"Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman
You can see the worshipful attitude for this song and dance
"Lord we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Lord we pray for the peace of her people"
"Lord we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Shalom Yisrael"
"Jerusalem, holy City of Gold, We pray for you night and day; That you may be known as a city of peace, A place where God’s glory dwells"
"As watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, We cry out night and day;
Till your streets overflow with rejoicing, And your temples are filled with praise"
"Shalom Yisrael!"
Congregational  Dance
Curtis and the Machol Dancers led congregational dance during our time of praise and worship
The lady Machol Dancers added flags during this particular song
Curtis teaches about the Lulav & Etrog - the 4 Species of Sukkot
Time to Just Rest a Little
(Left) Carolyn & Curtis Loftin; (Right) Jeanne & Jeremy Elledge
December 2009 - Hanukkah At Vision For Israel
Steve Martin, U.S. Director of Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse, invited Beit Yeshua and Highway To Zion to help plan a joint Hanukkah Celebration for December 09, 2009, at the Vision For Israel Warehouse & Gift Shop in Pineville, NC.
Myrl Peeler, Janice Anthony and Marcia Bachmeier of the Machol Dancers shared an Israeli Folk Dance with flags
Doug Williams adds the large Lion of Judah Flag by Spencer Williams - and was asked to share the story of Hanukkah
As the children watch, Barry & Batya Segal (founders of Vision For Israel - in Jerusalem) light Hanukkah candles
Curtis had been asked to teach an Israeli Folk Dance Class



January 2010 - Israeli Folk Dance Class
As the year 2010 began, we started with a number of new dancers, which meant we were needing to teach basic steps and simple dances.  2010 saw not only Jeanne Elledge dancing with us, but also her husband Jeremy.  Doug & Iline Morrison, her parents (Jim & Bonnie Ogden) and her nieces (Crystal & Katie King).  Bob & Sheryl Rushlow and Rita Richards also became part of Machol Israeli Folk Dance Class.
Teaching the dance "Zemer Atik"
Teaching the brush-step in "Bai Ya Meem"
"Im Hu Pal Nu", A favorite worship dance
April 2010 - Pesach Seder - The Feast of Passover
Beit Yeshua hosted its annual Pesach Seder on April 02, 2010, in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church.  With about 200 in attendance, there was no cost for the event, but due to limited seating reservations were required.  As always, we had low and regular seating.
Low seating is a lot of fun if you don't mind sitting on the floor
Myrl led the Lady Machol Dancers as they danced to the song "Watchman" by Paul Wilbur
Curtis led during a time of praise, worship and congregational dance
April 2010 - Vision For Israel Conference
The 2010 Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse Conference in Fort Mill, SC was April 23rd & 24th, 2010, at the Heritage International Conference Center in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Barry Segal flew in from Jerusalem for the event with a weekend of praise & worship, fellowship and wonderful teaching. 
Barry and the band lead the time of praise, worship and dance
Curtis and the Machol Dancers led the dance
April 2010 - An Evening Honoring Israel
Beit Yeshua invited old and new friends to join them in celebrating Israel's 62 birthday at An Evening Honoring Israel on Friday, April 30, 2010,
 in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church. 
Chuck Anthony blows the shofar as the Machol Dancers prepare to dance to the song "On Your Walls O Jerusalem" by Barry & Batya Segal
LYRICS:  Al cho-mo-ta-yeech, Al cho-mo-ta-yeech, Al cho-mo-ta-yeech, Hifkadeti shom’rim.
On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen, I have set watchmen.
On your walls, O Jerusalem, Who shall never hold their peace.
Day or night, (day or night,) Day or night, (day or night,)
I have set watchmen on your walls.
‘Til He establishes, and ‘til He makes  Jerusalem A praise in the earth.
To see and hear Barry & Batya Segal sing the song "On Your Walls O Jerusalem", CLICK HERE
Curtis does a short teaching from the scripture about God writing His Name on Jerusalem
May 2007 - Israeli Folk Dance Class

During our Israeli Folk Dance Class during the month of May, we continued to work of the
wonderful dance "Mi Ha Ish" (Who is the Man)

Working in lines to teach the three parts of the dance - especially the difficult third part
The ladies, led by Myrl, work on a dance piece with flags
May 2010 - Highway To Zion at Vision For Israel

Cathy Hargett,  of Highway to Zion, invited Beit Yeshua and the Machol Dancers to come and share an Evening Honoring Israel at the Highway to Zion assembly for the month of May.  The meeting was scheduled for Friday, May 21st, 2010, at the Vision For Israel offices and warehouse in Pineville, NC.

The Machol Dancers dance to the song "On Your Walls O Jerusalem" by Barry & Batya Segal
While Steve Martin of Vision For Israel leads praise & worship (with his wife, Laurie), Curtis and the Machol Dancers lead dance
August 2010 - Beit Shofarot Torah Dedication

Beit Yeshua joined Beit Shofarot in China Grove/Landis, NC, on Saturday, August 7, 2010, for Beit Shofarot's Torah Dedication service.

As the crowd met outside, the 135-year-old Torah was removed from its temporary Ark in the first stage of moving it to its permanent location
 - in the new Ark.  Rabbi Yossi carried the Torah in a procession for the 1st lap of 7 Aliyah around the building.
Curtis was also invited to carry the Torah during the Torah Parade
Video of Curtis carrying the Torah Video of Doug carrying the Torah
After already performing the dance to the song "On Your Walls" by Barry & Batya Segal at Beit Yeshua's An Evening Honoring Israel
and at Highway To Zion's May Assembly, the Machol Dancers had been asked to share the same dance at Beit Shofarot's Torah Dedication
Click Here to see Video
(Video Courtesy of Roger Wyatt)
Curtis & Doug had also been asked to share a scripture during the Torah Dedication part of the service
Curtis had been asked to lead dance during praise and worship - Wane dances with the Torah
Click Here to see the video of the crowd dancing "Ma NaVu"
and Wane dancing with the Torah

(Video Courtesy of Roger Wyatt)
August 2010 - Highway To Zion Assembly - Warren Markus: Speaker

Highway to Zion welcomed Jewish Believer, Warren Marcus, as speaker for the August 27th assembly at the Meadows Clubhouse in Charlotte, NC.

Cathy Hargett greets everyone
Curtis had been asked to lead Israeli Folk Dance during praise & worship - led by Steve & Laurie Martin
Curtis had been asked to share about Teshuvah - the time of repentance leading up to the Fall Festivals & High Holy Days
and Warren Marcus, of Sid Roth Ministries and Messianic Pastor at Steele Creek Church, was the guest speaker
September 2010 - Yom Teruah - The Feast of Trumpets
Beit Yeshua gathered on Friday, September 10th, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Yom Teruah (the Day of the Awakening Blast), which is also called Rosh Hashanah.  The decision was made to move the 2010 Feast of Trumpets celebration back to Doug & Lynda's home.  There was around 35 in attendance.

As the sun begins to set, Chuck shares about the importance of the shofar during Yom Teruah

This was the next-to-last time Jim & Linda were with us before they moved to Jerusalem in December to work with Christian Friends of Israel


Curtis and the Machol Dancers led dance during praise & worship
The pleasant Fall temperatures made for an enjoyable evening

September 2010 - Sukkot - The Feast of Tabernacles/Booths
Beit Yeshua gathered on Friday, September 24, 2010, to celebrate the Biblical festival of Sukkot - or the Feast of Tabernacles.  This was only our second year to move our festival celebration from the small home-group setting to the larger Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church.  As with all the festivals that Beit Yeshua continues to present, the crowd continues to grow, and blessings to increase.  The Lord's presence was awesome.  It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and to make some new ones, too, as we worshipped the Lord together and anticipated the 2nd coming of Messiah Yeshua.

Another name for Sukkot is the Feast of the Nations
During the Millennial Reign of Messiah Yeshua all nations will go to Jerusalem to worship Him and to keep the feast of Sukkot


Setting up the Nations flags on Thursday evening for the Friday night Sukkot Celebration
Anna Melnyk prays for the various nations



"We Speak to Nations"


The Machol Dancers prepared a special performance piece for Beit Yeshua's Sukkot Celebration
dancing to the song "We Speak to Nations"

"Hear the sound, the sound of the nations worshipping"
"Hear the sound, of sons and daughters singing"

"Who will go for us, Who will shout to the corners of the earth?"


"That Christ is King"


"We speak to nations, be open"


"We speak to nations, fall on your knees"

"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to nations, be broken, powers of darkness, you have to flee"
"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to you - Be free - Be free"
"Hear the sound, the sound of the nations calling"
"Hear the sound, the sound of the fatherless crying"
"We will go for you, We will shout to the corners of the earth"
"That Christ is King"
"We speak to nations, be open"

"We speak to nations, fall on your knees"
"We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to strongholds, be broken"
"Powers of darkness, you have to flee"

"We speak to nation, the kingdom is coming near to you"
"We speak to you - Be free - Be free"
"Be free - Be free - Be free - Be free"
"Be Free"

There was a time of praise, worship and dance for all

Doug shared scriptures concerning Sukkot
Curtis shares the four species listed in scripture - the palm, the myrtle, the willow and the citron or "The Lulav & Etrog"
The Lady Machol Dancers dance to the song "Peace of Jerusalem" by Kirk Dearman

A little more dancing during Oneg (food & fellowship)


October 2010 - Sukkot in Bostic, NC

Carolyn & Curtis were invited to the NC mountains by a group of Believers who had visited the Machol Dance Class on several occasions and were celebrating Sukkot from October 22 - 31st.  This Jewish-Roots group of Believers come from Marion, Nebo, Bostic, Boone and Connelly Springs, NC.  Carolyn & I went up on Saturday, October 23rd, and spent several hours fellowshipping and dancing.
The group had set up tents around the property to use for the seven-day festival

Curtis teaches them a little Israeli Folk Dance - including Philip & Cindy Compton

November 2010 - Marty Goetz Concert

Beit Shofarot invited Beit Yeshua to join them in hosting Messianic singer Marty Goetz in concert at Beit Shofarot in China Grove (Landis), NC, on Saturday, November 6, 2010.  As always, Marty delighted those in attendance with his singing, wit, personal stories and devotion to the Lord.  The Lord's presence was truly there as Marty sang, shofarot sounded, Israeli flags waved, prayers prayed and dancers danced.  What a blessing as at folks from a dozen or more congregations, groups and ministries came out to be involved.
Marty, Rabbi Yossi and Curtis share

Curtis and the Machol Dancers led in dance, but we didn't get any photos of the dance time
November 2010 - Highway To Zion Assembly - Rabbi Yossi Wentz: Speaker
On Friday, November 12, 2010, Highway to Zion hosted an Assembly that also included Beit Yeshua, Beit Shofarot and Love For His People.  Praise & Worship was led by Steve & Laurie Martin of Love For His People, Dance was led by Curtis and the Machol Dancers, and the evening's message was from Rabbi Yossi Wentz of Beit Shofarot.
Dancing, Praise and Worship
Rabbi Yossi brought their Torah and the evening included a Torah Parade
Rabbi Yossi shared his own personal testimony
December 2010 - Hanukkah - Beit Yeshua & Beit Shofarot
Beit Yeshua & Beit Shofarot gathered corporately on Saturday, December 4, 2010, at First Reformed Church in Landis, NC, to celebrate the Biblical festival of Hanukkah.  The evening started as Rabbi Yossi lit the Hanukkah menorah and proceeded to a time to praise, worship & dance.  An impromptu/spontaneous Hanukkah play gave folks from Beit Yeshua, Beit Shofarot & First Reformed Church an opportunity to learn the story of Hanukkah and how God brought deliverance to the Jewish people - culminating in the cleansing & rededicating of the Temple.
Dancers from both groups dance together
The cast of the 2010 Hanukkah play
Olivia Horning, Rehna & Will McCubbins, Wane Daroux, Chuck Anthony, Gid Anthony, Sam Melnyk, Rabbi Yossi Wentz, Pastor


History of the Machol Dancers - The Early Years (1999 - 2005) - CLICK HERE
History of the Machol Dancers - The Middle Years (2006 - 2010) - CLICK HERE
History of the Machol Dancers - The Latter Years (2011 - 2014) - CLICK HERE