Beit Yeshua

April to August




The Feast of

The Feast of

An Evening






















































































































Psalm 122:6  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you. 


The Eastern Gate on Jerusalem's Old City Wall


Psalm 132:13-18

For Adonai has chosen Tziyon, He has wanted it as his home.  "This is my resting-place forever, I will live here because I so much want to.  I will bless it with plenty of meat, I will give its poor their fill of food.  Its cohanim (priests) I will clothe with salvation, and its faithful will shout for joy.  I will make a king sprout there from David's line and prepare a lamp for my Anointed One.  His enemies I will clothe with shame, but on Him there will be a shining crown."

Deuteronomy 16:11

And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there.

Pesach - The Feast ofPassover


Beit Yeshua gathered on Friday, April 14, 2017, 7:00 p.m., in the Family Life Center of Covenant Church, 2168 Gastonia Hwy, Lincolnton, NC 28092, to celebrate our 15th annual Pesach/Passover Seder. With 200 in attendance, it was a busy evening but the LORD's presence was with us and the fellowship was sweet.


Last Minute Preparations
Final preparations were made as parsley, horseradish and charoset was placed on each Seder plate and matzah was placed at every table

(Left to Right) Myrl Peeler - Duke Peeler - Cayla Lovelace - Janice Anthony

The sound system and overhead-projection was finalized while others worked at the food tables and helped guests find their seats
James Hayes & David Parsons - Kirk Herbertson, Anita & Tony Tyner and Carolyn Loftin - Jennifer Hayes, Iline Morrison, Kaleb, Bianca & James Hayes - Beverly Hall & Jeanne Brannock
Table Layout for the 2017 Pesach Seder
Fellowship During the Seder
Fellowship before, during and after the Seder is always so very special as we visit with old friends and make new ones
(Left) Chuck Anthony, Curtis Loftin and Jeff Boyle - (Right) Calvin & Gezell Fleming, Alex Childers and Susan Miles

(Left to Right) Myrl Peeler, Susan Miles and Janice Anthony
Not only do our Pesach guests come from multiple counties, they also come from several states and countries
(Left to Right) Jennifer Hasa, Roger Hall & Doug Morrison - Kirk Herbertson, Bonnie Ogden, Janice Anthony & Crystal Johnson - Jonathan Lovelace, Tim Johnson & Alex Childers

No matter where we are, Beit Yeshua and Highway to Zion always find each other

Jeff Boyle, Curtis Loftin, Chuck Anthony, Gloria Cunningham McCraw, Cathy & Dale Hargett, Janice Anthony & Robbie Haney


Andi Lovelace, Susan Miles & Myrl Peeler - Cayla Lovelace & Allie Morrison - Gloria Cunningham McCraw & Carolyn Loftin

Dale & Cathy Hargett were excited to have their grandchildren with them for the first time as was Robbie Haney
(Left) Dale, Jackson, Cathy & Rose Hargett - (Right)  Alexis & Robbie Haney, Barbara Rose

Other Highway To Zion Friends
Sharon Amadio & Vivian Stapivic with their mother Mary Taylor


Jacob Stapivic & Nicholas Amadio - Nicholas & Matthew Amadio with Elijah Stapivic - Matthew Amadio & Elijah Stapivic - Elijah Stapivic & Sharon Amadio

Guests from Beth Tikkun Messianic Jewish Synagogue in Denver, NC
Congregational Leaders Avi & Tzofiya Rogers, Bella Rogers, Rosie Rogers, Mike Wilson, Sariah Schell, Hallel Schell, Shira Schell, Judah Schell anc Devon Shaw

Shofarot are sounded as the evening begins
(Left to Right) Stephanie Stewart, Jonathan Lovelace, Tim Johnson, Gloria Cunningham-McCraw, Chuck Anthony, Christi Rykhus, Bill Shupp, Alex Childers and Iline Morrison

Welcome and Announcements
Chuck welcomed guests and introduced Pastors, Ministers, Chaplains and Ministry Leaders
Guest Pastors, Ministers, Chaplains and Ministry Leaders at Beit Yeshua's 2017 Passover Seder
Title Name Group Location
Pastor William "Bill" Carrier Christ Commissioned Church Conover, NC
Pastor Elijah London Sweetwater Baptist Church Hickory, NC
Pastor Bill Shupp The River Church Lincolnton, NC
Pastor Anita Tyner Binding Hearts Ministries Hartsville, SC
Worship Pastor Todd Bryant Covenant Church Lincolnton, NC
Chaplain Ellen Abercrombie Cardinal Medical Center
& New Hanover Regional
Charlotte, NC
& Wilmington, NC
Congregational Leaders Avi & Tzofiya Rogers Beth Tikkun Messianic Jewish Congregation Denver, NC
Founder & President Cathy Hargett Highway To Zion Ministries Charlotte, NC
Founder & President Ze'ev Nevo Israel Media Ministries Indian Land, SC
Curtis Loftin and Chuck Anthony co-lead Beit Yeshua
Alex gives a brief history of Beit Yeshua


Sh'ma and Blessing for Salvation in Messiah

Curtis led everyone in the Sh'ma and Blessing for Salvation in Messiah

Rachel, Kevin, Vincent, Henry & Lukas Loftin with Ken & Jennifer Wilkinson, Cathy Loftin, Paul London and Loredana Tomba
Pastor Elijah London with Cynthia Summey and Diane Armstrong

Sh'ma Yisrael

Sh’ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad. 
Baruch shem k’vod Malchuto, Le’olam va’ed.

Hear, O Israel, The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
Blessed be His Name and His glorious kingdom forever and ever.
Blessing For Salvation in Messiah

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu, Melech Ha’Olam,
Asher natan lanu et derech ha’Yeshua B’Mashiach Yeshua. Baruch Hu. Amein.

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the Universe,
Who gave to us the way of salvation in the Messiah Yeshua.  Blessed be He!  Amen.
(Left to Right) Aaron Dalrymple, Bella Rogers, Avi Rogers, Brack Rogers, Dan Rhodes, Wayne Abercrombie, Donna Rogers, Tzofiya Rogers,
Mary Rhodes, Maggie Griffin, Miriam Baldwin, Chaplain Ellen Abercrombie, Devon Shaw, Rita Richards, Nancy Shupp and Carmen McNeil
Praise, Worship & Dance
Curtis led a large group of men, women and children in Israeli Folk Dance during Praise and Worship
It is always a blessing to see so many get out of their seats to participate


(Left) Tracy & Todd Klingbiel, Glory Hayes, Dora Dalton, Tzofiya Rogers, Judah Schell, Beverly Dalrymple
 (Right) Stephanie Stewart, Tim Johnson, Arlene Jimison, Crystal Johnson, Miriam Baldwin, Monica West and Carmen McNeil


YouTube Video - Praise & Worship with Israeli Folk Dance 1 - Click Here
"Hallelujah! Our Passover Lamb!" by Lynn DeShazo
The group started small but continued to grow
as more and more people got out of their seats to participate

YouTube Video - Praise & Worship with Israeli Folk Dance 2 - Click Here
"Hallelujah! Our Passover Lamb!" by Lynn DeShazo

It's always such a blessing to see so many men get involved in the dance
Including Sean Pittman, Sam Melnyk, Josh Self and John Nielsen

Jonathan Lovelace adds a little percussion to the music

YouTube Video - Praise & Worship with Israeli Folk Dance 3 - Click Here
"At Your Name! Yahweh, Yahweh!" - by Phil Wickham

Christi Ryhus, Tracy Klingbiel Allie Morrison, Curtis, Todd Klingbiel,
Rachel Loftin, Cathy Hargett, Kirk Herbertson, Rose Hargett & Kevin Loftin

"Yahweh, Yahweh! We shout Your Name, shout Your Name.
Filling up the skies with endless praise, endless praise. Yahweh, Yahweh! We love to shout Your Name, oh, Lord!"
(Left to Right) Andy & Jane Melnyk - Diane Armstrong, Beth Seese, Fran Coffey, Libby, Josh Self - Miriam Baldwin, Ze'ev & Amelia Nevo, Myrl Peeler - Jonathan Lovelace

There was an abundance of joy but soon it was time to return to our seats and continue with the other activities of the evening

Israel Media Ministries

Ze'ev Nevo shared briefly about Israel Media Ministries - A ministry supported by Beit Yeshua

To Find out more about this ministry - CLICK HERE
Ze'ev Nevo, an Israeli Jew from Jerusalem and a son of a Holocaust survivor, shares how he came to saving faith in Jesus (Yeshua).
Ze'ev is the founder and president of Israel Media Ministries, a non profit organization that Maximizes Jewish evangelism in Israel and worldwide.
To Hear Ze'ev's Testimony - CLICK HERE - You'll Be Glad You Did
The Seder Begins

Curtis and Chuck lead the 2017 Pesach Seder



Blessing Over the Festival Candles


Janice leads the ladies in the blessing over the festival candles


Blessing Over the Pesach Candles


Baruch atah Adonai Elohenu melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitsvotav v’tzi-vanu, l’hadlik ner shel Pesach.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has set us apart by Your commandments
and in whose name we kindle the Pesach lights.

Ladies at each of the tables light the festival candles
Bonnie Ogden, Brack & Donna Rogers, Donna & Tim Johnson, Beth Seese, Sam & Monica West


The First Cup - The Cup of Sanctification

Everyone pours the first cup of grape juice
Sam & Monica West, Jennifer Hasa, Beverly & Roger Hall, Ellen Abercrombie, Rita Richards, Carmen McNeil and Miriam Baldwin
Kevin Loftin's family shared their first Pesach Seder with us - as did many others
Kevin, Rachel, Henry & Lukas Loftin - Elijah London, Loredana Tomba and Cathy Loftin


We were honored to have Ze'ev and Rachel Nevo and their daughters with us for Pesach again this year
(Front Table) Amelia, Ze'ev, Leyah and Rachel Nevo - (Back Right Table) Terry Langston, Tracy & Todd Klingbiel
(Back Left Table) Libby, Fran Coffey, Debbie Poovey, Mary Watson, Brenda Martin, Chris & Hannah Wolf and Jeanne Brannock

Pastor Elijah London and members from Sweetwater Baptist Church share the first cup with each other
Pastor Elijah London, Scotty Seymour, Nita Carpenter, Mike & Cathy Gregg, Diane Armstrong and Kristen London - Nancy Shupp, Ken Wilkinson, Pastor Elijah & Kristen London & their son Judah
Blessing Over the Juice
Ba-ruch  a-tah  A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu  me-lech  ha-o-lam,
Bo-reh p'ri   ha-ga-fen.    

Blessed are You, O Lord  our God, King of the universe,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.
Jeff and Gloria share the first cup with guests from Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church
Jeff Boyle, Gloria Cunningham McCray, Rick & Lynda Elliott, Tom & Julia Grey
Ceremonial Hand Washing
Everyone participates in the ceremonial hand-washing
Judah Schell, Mike Wilson and Tzofiya Rogers
Tim Johnson holds the bowl of water fro Crystal Johnson & Alex Childers
The Four Questions
Kara Jane Anthony asks the Four Questions
YouTube Video - Click Here
Kara Jane asks the Four Questions
Janice Anthony, Kara Jane Anthony and Christie Anthony
The Four Questions
1. Why on this night do we eat only matzah?
2. Why on this night do we eat only bitter herbs?
3. Why on this night do we dip them twice?
4. Why on this night do we eat reclining?
Parsley, Matzah, Horseradish and Kharoset
Curtis and Chuck continue to lead and explain the other elements on the Seder Plate
including the parsley, the matzah, the horseradish and the kharoset


Matzah - Horseradish - Kharoset - as well as Matzah with Horseradish & Kharoset - all part of the Passover experience
The Matzah
"In the matzah we can see a picture of Messiah.  See how it is striped. See how it is pierced."
(Clockwise) Paul London, Loredana Tomba, Cathy Loftin, Vincent Loftin, Kevin Loftin, Rachel Loftin, Henry Loftin & Lucas Loftin

(Front) Chaplain Ellen Abercrombie and Rita Richards
(Left Back Table) Mike Wilson, Sariah & Judah Schell - (Right Back Table) Bill & Nancy Shupp, Darlene Fusaro and Devon Shaw
The Horseradish

"The Bitter Herbs/Horseradish reminds us of the bitterness the children of Israel endured while they were slaves in Egypt"
Brad & Beth Seese, Carolyn Loftin, Curtis Loftin & Chuck Anthony


(Back Left Table) Chris Wolf - (Front Center Table) Amelia, Ze'ev, Leyah and Rachel Nevo - (Back Right Table) Terry Langston, Todd Klingbiel, Elizabeth Morris


You always need a BIG scoop of horseradish on your matzah ...
(Left) Janice, Kara Jane & Christie Anthony - (Right) Matthew Amadio, Dale, Jackson & Cathy Hargett

... but it can bring a tear to the eye of even a seasoned Passover observer
Gideon Anthony, Music Pastor Todd Bryant, Chrystal & Tim Johnson with Alex Childers
The Charoset

"We dip the bitter herbs into the charoset to remind ourselves
that even the most bitter of circumstances can be sweetened by the hope we have in God"

Pastor Anita & Tony Tyner, Music Pastor Todd Bryant - Janice & Kara Jane Anthony - Kara Jane & Christie Anthony

The Plagues

"The 10 Plagues: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Beast, Cattle Disease, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, Death of the Firstborn"
(Front Table) Pastor Elijah & Kristen London, Scotty Seymour, Nita Carpenter, Mike & Cathy Gregg, Diane Armstrong, Cynthia Summey
(Middle Table) Ken & Jennifer Wilkinson - (Sound) David Parson - (Top Table) Pastor Bill & Nancy Shupp with Darlene Fusaro and Devon Shaw


Pesach Songs

Each year we sing the traditional Pesach song "Dayenu" - translated "It Would Have Been Enough"
Peter Melnyk, Sam & Monica West, Jennifer Hasa, Beverly Hall, Sean Pittman


Andi Lovelace, Stephanie Stewart, Donnie Hollar, Angel Pittman - Savanna Seese, Tony Tyner, Jonathan & Cayla Lovelace


Bianca Pittman, Mary Melnyk, Allie Morrison - Crystal & Tim Johnson - Myrl Peeler, Andy & Jane Melnyk


The Meal

We pause for the covered-dish meal




Additional opportunities to connect with old and new friends
Curtis with Cathy & Vincent Loftin - Cathy Hargett with Tom Grey and Ze'ev Nevo


Ze'ev Nevo with Beverly Dalrymple - Iline Morrison with her mother Bonnie Ogden - Avi & Tzofoyah Rogers with Barbara Rose, Mary Melnyk, Sophia Rogers, Allie Morrison, Mike Wilson

(Left) Kirk Herbertson, John Nielson, Wane Daroux and Audrey Gibbs - (Right) Hannah & Chris Wolf, Tracy & Todd Klingbiel, Stephanie Morris


The Afikomen


"Just as the middle piece of matzah is broken, Messiah, too, was afflicted and broken. 
One half is now called the Afikomen - the dessert.  It is wrapped in a white cloth just as Messiah’s body was wrapped for burial."
But just as the Afikomen  will return to complete our Passover Seder,
so the sinless Messiah rose from the dead to ascend into heaven and will return for His Bride."


Early in the Seder the children closed their eyes and the Afikomen was hidden
It was found after the covered-dish meal - but not where some of the children thought it would be
Cayla Lovelace - Henry Loftin, Andi Lovelace & Vincent Loftin - Henry & Vincent Loftin, Andi Lovelace, Leona & Mateah Nicholson


Vincent Loftin was the one who eventually found the Afikomen and received the reward when Curtis purchased it back from him

Elijah the Prophet

"This cup is for Elijah the Prophet, Eliyahu HaNavi.  At this time let the children open the door to welcome Elijah to our Seder.
Elijah did not see death, but was swept up to heaven by a great whirlwind, in a chariot of fire. 
It has been our hope that Elijah would come at Passover, to announce the Messiah, Son of David."

The Final Cup - The Cup of Praise

"Let us fill our cups for the fourth and final time and give thanks to Yahweh, our great redeemer"
Savanna, Brad & Beth Seese - Curtis Loftin & Chuck Anthony - Mary & Dan Rhodes


(Left) Crystal Johnson, Andi & Jonathan Lovelace, Stephanie Stewart - (Middle) Sariah, Hallel & Shira Schell - (Right) Chuck, Janice, Kara Jane, Christie & Gideon Anthony


(Front Table) Calvin & Gezell Fleming with Janelle, Matteah and Leona Nicholson
(Back Table) Yosef Haas, Subshini & Madison Hirschler, Elizabeth Williams, Robert Threat, Nancy & Ken Hopkins


Next Year in Jerusalem


"Our Passover Seder is now complete, just as our redemption is forever complete. 
Let us conclude with the traditional wish that we may celebrate Passover next year in Jerusalem."

Additional Photos From the 2017 Pesach Celebration
Stephanie Stewart & Andi Lovelace - Hannah, Brack & Donna Rogers - Andy & Jane Melnyk
Ze'ev snaps a few photos of his family during the Seder

Hallel & Shira Schell with Avi Rogers   -   Allie Morrison   -   Rosie Rogers & Sariah Schell   -   Savanna Seese and Cayla Lovelace


The Jimison Family and Friends
Tony, Arlene & Anthony Jimison, Joshua Fortney and Chris Blackburn


Alex Childers & Todd Bryant - Jude, Christie & Gideon Anthony - Savanna, Brad & Beth Seese



Jennifer Wilkinson with Judah London - Anita Tyner & Carolyn Loftin - Carolyn Loftin - Iline Morrison & Lynda Williams

Organizing food as it came it for the evening - including lots of grilled chicken from KFC
James & Jennifer Hayes


(Left) Yosef Hass, Subshini & Madison Hirschler, Elizabeth Williams, Robert Threatt, Nancy & Ken Hopkins

FYI: Jonathan Lovelace and Yosef Haas both wore a "kittel" at our Passover Seder this year and several guests asked about it.  A "kittel" is a white linen robe that some Jews wear at Passover and the High Holidays. In many traditions, a bridegroom wears a "kittel" on his wedding day. The white color symbolizes purity. A "kittel" serves as a burial shroud for some male Jews.
Pesach Timeline Display
Thanks to Duke Peeler, Andi Lovelace and Vivian Stapivic for the Passover photos
Shavuot - The Feast of Weeks/Pentecost

Beit Yeshua met on Friday, June 02, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at the home of Chuck & Janice Anthony, 2121 Gastonia Hwy, Lincolnton, NC 28092, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Shavuot - The Feast of Weeks - which some call the Feast of Pentecost.


Shofarot are sounded as the evening begins, followed by blessings, prayer and a time of praise and worship


We had a small intimate group of about twenty in attendance


Jeff Boyle lead a Shavuot-themed teaching and Midrash, combining it with information from his numerous trips to Israel
and the things he's learned there while Carolyn holds Beit Yeshua's newest little member


Jeff's Shavuot Handout




Erev Shabbat - 16 Jun 2017


It's always such a joy when Beit Yeshua gathers for Erev Shabbat. There have been many changes over the years but God's presence is still as sweet as ever.

Chuck & Grady blow shofarot to welcome Shabbat



Iline Morrison led us in an excellent Midrash



An Evening Honoring Israel


Beit Yeshua and Highway to Zion hosted their annual An Evening Honoring Israel
on Friday, August 18, 2017, 7:00 p.m., in the Family Life Center of Covenant Church, 2168 Gastonia Hwy, Lincolnton, NC 28092
Ze'ev Nevo, of Israel Media Ministries, was our guest speaker


The evening began with the sounding of shofarot


Guest Ministries


Cathy Hargett, Founder & Director of HIGHWY TO ZION,
welcomed everyone, opened the evening with prayer, and shared briefly about Highway To Zion



Our good friend Steve Martin , Founder & Director of LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE, shared briefly about his ministry


Praise, Worship & Dance


Curtis lead the group in some Israeli Folk Dance during our time of Praise  and Worship



Brief video of the group dancing to "Hu Yavo"/"He Will Come" by Joshua Aaron - YouTube


Guest Speaker

Ze'ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries


Ze'ev is a Messianic Believer, a Sabra, a singer, a gifted teacher and a precious brother in the LORD who delivered a powerful message



Check out the two music videos and Ze'ev's testimony below


Amit/Real - Ze'ev Nevo - Israel Media Ministries

Psalm 13 - Ze'ev Nevo - Israel Media Ministries


An Israeli Jew for Jesus??? - Ze'ev Nevo - Israel Media Ministries


To learn more about ISRAEL MEDIA MINISTRIES at or



Chuck closes the first part of the evening with prayer



There were numerous displays provided by the various ministries to look at and enjoy


Highway To Zion & Love For His People display tables



Beit Yeshua has several display tables, also




Food & Fellowship



Chuck, Grady, Thad and Jeff


Ze'ev chats with Rita, Tina and Catherine




Lydia, Barbara - John and Steve



Carolyn chats with Cathy and Dale


Zechariah 12:2-3, 10


2“Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. 3“It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.

10“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.


Go to 2017, Page 1 (January - March)

Go to 2017, Page 2 (April - August)

Go to 2017, Page 3 (September - December)