Beit Yeshua
& Machol

Newsletter 2013
Beit Yeshua









22 February



29 March

Folk Dance


An Evening






Shmuel Suran
at Highway
To Zion


Feast of Trumpets

Day of Atonement

Feast of





Feast of

Beit Yeshua


























































































































Isaiah 62
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night:
ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,
And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.


Psalm 122:6  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may they prosper who love you. 




Purim Celebration

Beit Yeshua gathered together on Friday, 22 February, 2013, at Chuck & Janice's home in Lincolnton, NC, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Purim (also called the Feast of Esther).  For the past four years we've hosted a larger assembly in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church but decided that for 2013 we were bringing our celebration back to our smaller home-group roots.

With a crowd of 40, it was a sizeable group for a home-group setting

n 2001 at the beginning of Beit Yeshua, the group was small and rather than memorizing parts for our Purim Shpiel/Play, we opted for an impromptu play - where no one even knew they had a part in the play until after the play had begun.  One end of the large room at Chuck & Janice's home was kept empty of chairs so that we could utilize it for the play.

"This is Esther, a beautiful Jewish girl - with a destiny!" - portrayed by Andi


Andi's husband, Jonathan, is asked to take the role of King Ahashuerus.
King Ahashuerus was given his scepter (actually a small sword) and a crown
but was surprised when he was given "hair" instead of a crown

The see the short video of Jonathan getting his "hair", CLICK Here

Carolee was pulled up front to portray the part of Queen Vashti, King Ahashuerus' first wife


To see the video of Vashti, CLICK Here


Alex became Mordechai (Esther's cousin) for the 2013 play


The role of the evil Haman when to our own beloved Mark
who was a good sport in spite of all the jesting we did concerning him and Haman


Mark's wife, Angel, was chosen as our Zeresh (Haman's wife) for the 2013 play


"King Ahashuerus gave a party for all the noblemen in his kingdom
- then asked Queen Vashti to join them.  But she refused!
She was too busy with a party of her own!"


"Haman was eventually elevated to King Ahashuerus' 2nd-in-Command.  He loved his new
position of authority, but became furious when Mordechai refused to bow before him.
Haman convinced the King to sign as edict to have all the Jews in Shushan killed."


"When Mordechai learned of Haman's plans, he told Esther
she must go before King Ahashuerus and plead for her people."

"The King becomes furious with Haman - and orderes that he be hanged on his own gallows"
The 2013 Cast
A special thanks to Andy for being our 2013 Narrator




Beit Yeshua gathered on Friday, March 29th, 2013, to observe our 12th annual Pesach/Passover Seder, in the Family Life Center at Covenant Bible Church in Lincolnton, NC.  With approximately 220 in attendance, the evening saw family and friends joining us once again to observe the Biblical Festival.  Each year we have guests that have never attended a Seder before, as well as many who return from year to year to observe Pesach with us.  A special thanks to Highway To Zion (and Cathy Hargett) for their continued support for our annual Seders.

Pesach 2013


The 2013 Seder introduced us to new friends such as Richard & Melody Winfrey & their family

As always, we were honored to have our Jewish guests join us
Fran & Robbie visit with Beth & her son (left) - as well as Zoya & Buddy (right)
Galia & Terry (Left) and  their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren
Eric & Shelly, Breaden, Eliana, Garrett & Keagan. 
Pesach is always a great time to visit with friends you haven't seen in a while -
as well as those you have - Janice S., Janice A. & Myrl
The Machol (Lady) Dancers danced to "Hoshiana" by Joshua Aaron

Curtis led in a time of congregational praise, worship and dance

There is always a large congregational response to dance at Pesach
with a large portion of the group being men and boys

Curtis and Doug led the 2013 Seder
Susan led the ladies in lighting festival candles
Four Cups of Wine/Grape Juice are drunk during the Pesach Seder
The First Cup: The Cup of Sanctification,  The Second Cup: The Cup of Plagues
The Third Cup: The Cup of Redemption,  The Fourth Cup: The Cup of Praise
Alex joins us for his first Seder
As usual, the Melnyk family had the most young adult guests

We wash our hands because we are priests before the Lord
and the table is our altar
Parsley dipped in salt water - tells the story of the bitterness of slavery
Jude asked the Four Questions
Matzah is shared - see how it is striped and pierced
Matzah and horseradish
Sweet Kharoset is added

As each plague is recited, a finger is dipped into the cup of wine/juice allowing
a drop of liquid to fall, reducing the fullness of each cup of joy this night
The covered-dish meal for 220 guests

Our Passover Seder is now complete, just as our redemption is forever complete
in Messiah Yeshua.  Let us conclude with the traditional wish that we may
celebrate Passover next year in Jerusalem.


An Evening Honoring Israel

Beit Yeshua joined with Highway To Zion and Love For His People on Friday, April 12, 2013, in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church, for An Evening Honoring Israel.
Shofarot are sounded as the evening begins
Guests are welcomed by Steve Martin of Love For His People

Susan lights Shabbat Candles - Paul says blessings over the bread & wine


We were blessed for the opportunity to Skype with our dear friends Jim & Linda at
Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem


The Machol Dancers do a performance dance to the song "Battle For Zion" by Ted Pearce

To See the Machol Dancers
Steve Martin's Video, Click Here

Gid Anthony leads during a time of praise, worship & dance


We had 12 different displays & exhibits set up for the evening - including this one,
which encouraged guests to choose a city in Israel to pray for during 2013


Cathy & Dale Hargett of Highway To Zion


The Seven Species of Israel: Barley, Wheat, Figs, Grapes, Olives, Pomegranates & Dates

The Seven Species display was our "tasting" exhibit - and definitely one of the favorites



Paul, Doug & Jonathan looking at photos from our trips to Israel - as well as other memorabilia


The Beit Yeshua display


Ze'ev Nevo of Israel Media Ministries with Janice Anthony


Dominica-born Wane Daroux of Beit Yeshua & Beit Eder had a display
with his new CD "Our God Is One" featuring his own original Messianic music


The History of Modern Israel display


We introduced Alex to Jim & Linda is Jerusalem (via Skype)
while everyone was visiting the various displays


After spending about 20 minutes visiting displays,
Wane shares some of his original Messianic music


Visit Wane's Website for more information about his CD and samples of his songs


Cathy Hargett, of Highway To Zion, introduces our guest speaker for the evening,
Ze'ev Nevo, of Israel Media Ministries


Ze'ev shares his message for the evening

To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 1, Click Here
To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 2, Click Here
To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 3, Click Here
To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 4, Click Here
To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 5, Click Here
To See the Message by Ze'ev Nevo, Part 6, Click Here

To learn more about ISRAEL MEDIA MINISTRIES, check out their website



Thanks to Duke Peeler, Paul Miles, Andi Lovelace and Steve Martin for taking the great photos


To see all the photos from the 2013 Evening Honoring Israel, CLICK HERE




Shavuot - The Feast of Weeks

Beit Yeshua met on Friday, May 10, 2013, at the home of Chuck & Janice Anthony, Lincolnton, NC, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Shavuot - the Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost). 


The evening started with the sounding of the shofarot, blessings over the festival candles, blessings over the bread and wine, a scripture from the Orthodox Jewish Bible (Leviticus 23, Acts 2) pertaining to Shavuot, a time of intercessory prayer, and a time of praise, worship & dance.

The Book of Ruth is read on Shavuot.  The story tells of Ruth's marriage and conversion which took place during the harvest season, from the beginning of the barley harvest to the conclusion of the wheat harvest.  Through her marriage to Boaz, Ruth, a gentile, became the great-grandmother of King David, who was born and died on Shavuot.  She became the mother of the royal lineage of David.  It was also from this lineage that our “Kinsman-Redeemer” came -Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Yeshua the Messiah.

As part of our celebration of the festival, we chose to do an original impromptu play about Ruth, Boaz & Naomi, based on the scriptures.  Parts for the play were not memorized and the cast of actors were called up on the spot to take part in the play.

Boaz with Orpah, Ruth and Naomi


Boaz discovers Ruth collecting barley in his fields


He asks the Foreman of his fields who the young woman is - and learns her name


Evantually, Boaz marries Ruth ...



... and God blessed them with a child, Obed (the father of Jesse, the father of David)


2013 Cast

To see all the photos from Purim 2013, Click Here and scroll down the page

It's customary to stay up all night long to study Torah on Shavuot. 
We played a game, with the men competing against the women, concerning Jewish-Roots.


Curtis asked the questions while Cayla displays the categories


Shmuel Suran at HIGHWAY TO ZION

As we experienced Teshuvah and anticipated the Fall Biblical Festivals of the LORD, we were blessed to have a visiting minister from Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) in the area.
On Friday, August 23, 2013, Highway To Zion, in Charlotte, NC, hosted Shmuel Suran of Chazon Yerushalayim Ministries in Israel at the Raintree Country Club in Charlotte, NC.  Beit Yeshua dropped their Erev Shabba meeting in order to join Highway To Zion.  Members from both groups first met Shmuel when  they joined Cathy Hargett and Highway To Zion for a 2011 trip to Israel - where Shmuel's wife, Pamela, had been their tour guide.
Steve & Laurie Martin, of Love For His People, led the Ahava Praise Band, with musicians and singers from all three groups.  The Highway To Zion Dancers led dance for the evening.

Cathy Hargett introduces Shmuel Suran


To see all of the photos and information from this meeting CLICK HERE and scroll down




YOM TERUAH - "The Feast of Trumpets"

On Friday, September 6th, 2013, Beit Yeshua gathered at Chuck & Janice's home to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Yom Tereah ("The Feast of Trumpets" or "The Day of the Awakening Blast").
Israel has two calendars: (1) a Civil Calendar that begins with the month of Tishri and the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, "The Head of the Year", and (2) a Religious Calendar that begins with the month of Nisan, of which Pesach/Passover is a part.  The Feast of Yom Teruah is the 5th of the Biblical Feasts on the Religious Calendar and usually occurs in September.  Tishri is the 1st month on the Civil Calendar and the 7th month on the Religious Calendar.
The only specific command in scripture is to blow the shofar.


Leviticus 23:23-
And the LORD spoke to Moshe/Moses saying, "Speak to the children of Israel saying, 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you will have a Sabbath, a memorial announced with a blowing of horns (shofarot - making a call to repentance), a holy convocation, You will do no servile work on this day; but you will make an offering made by fire to the LORD.'"


Shofarot are sounded at the evening begins


There were 40+ in attendance at the Yom Teruah home-group meeting



Doug did a teaching on the prophetic significance of the festival


To see all of the photos from this Yom Teruah meeting CLICK HERE and scroll down


YOM KIPPUR - "The Day of Atonement"


Beit Yeshua gathered of Friday, September 13th, at Chuck & Janice's home, to observe the Feast of Yom Kippur, "The Day of Atonement".



There are several commandments concerning Yom Kippur.  (1) It is a Sabbath and you are to do no work, and (2) you will "afflict" yourselves - which is a Hebrew idiom indicating that the individual was to fast for the festival - usually a 25-hour fast.


Leviticus 23:26-32
And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Surely, on the tenth of this seventh month will be a Day of Atonement: it will be a holy convocation for you, and you will afflict yourselves and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.  And you will do no work on that same day, for it is a day of atonement, to make atonement for you before the LORD your God.  For whoever will not be afflicted in that same day, he will be cut off from among his people.  And whoever does any work on that same day, I will destroy the same one from among his people.  You will do no manner of work: it will be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.  It will be a Sabbath of rest for you and you will afflict yourselves: on the ninth of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you will celebrate your Sabbath."

Our focus for the evening was prayer - (1) Individual Repentance, (2) Prayer & Repentance for the Body of  Messiah - the Church, (3) Prayer for the U.S., (4) Prayer for Israel, and (5) Prayer for the Nations.

To see all of the photos and information from this meeting CLICK HERE and scroll down


SUKKOT - "The Feast of Booths/Tabernacles"


Beit Yeshua met on Friday, September 20th, in the Family Life Center of Covenant Bible Church, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Sukkot (or "The Feast of Booths/Tabernacles").



Leviticus 23:39-42
   "... on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered the fruit of the land, you will keep a feast to the LORD seven days: the first day will be a Sabbath and the eighth day will be a Sabbath.  And on the first day you will take the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees and the boughs of thick trees and willows of the brook and you will rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.  And you will keep it a Feast to the LORD seven days in the seventh month.  You will dwell in booths seven days." 



Shofarot were sounded as the evening begins -
as is seen in this compilation of three photos


Curtis welcomes everyone


Blessings are said over Shabbat/Festival Candles -
as well as blessings over the bread and wine


The Machol Dancers dance to "Who Is Like You"
from Paul Wilbur's CD "Your Great Name"

The see the entire dance, CLICK HERE
Warren Marcus shared a wonderful Sukkot message



To hear Warren's message, Part 1 (Festivals & the Church) CLICK HERE (49:45)

To hear Warren's message, Part 2 (Sukkot) CLICK HERE (13:59)
Thanks to Steve Martin for providing the YouTube Videos

To see all of the photos and information from this meeting CLICK HERE and scroll down


Family Sukkot Dwellings

Several families from Beit Yeshua built their own family sukkah for Sukkot in 2013.  It wonderful to celebrate Sukkot corporately, but there is an individual aspect of the festival that can't be ignored.
Jonathan, Andi & Cayla share a meal with Paul & Susan

Curtis & Carolyn's sukkah


Reading David Dolan's book, "Millennium - The Lord Reigns"


Curtis & Carolyn are always pleased to have their family share our sukkah


To see all of the family photos CLICK HERE and scroll down




HANUKKAH - The Feast of Dedication

Beit Yeshua gathered in the Family Life Center on Friday, November 29, 2013, to celebrate the Biblical Festival of Hanukkah - also spelled Channukah.  This is the first time since 1880 that the Feast of Hanukkah has overlapped with the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

Each family that had brought a Hanukkiah (A 9-Branched Hanukkah Menorah) was asked to light it as the evening began


Susan lit Shabbat candles and Paul said blessings over the bread and wine


There was a time of prayer followed by a time of praise and worship


Chuck shared the Hanukkah story and involved everyone in a short midrash




To see all of the photos  form the Hanukkah meeting CLICK HERE and scroll down


Hanukkah with Beit Yeshua Families


(Left) Susan lights candles for the first night at the Miles home
(Right) Jonathan lights candles at the Lovelace home



Curtis lights candles on the first night of Hanukkah at the Loftin home



Carolyn light candles for the second evening of Hanukkah (also Thanksgiving)
while their son, Philip, his wife, Leslie, and youngest granddaughter,
Kayli, watch


Curtis & Carolyn's daughter Beth (Right) and granddaughters Savanna (Left) & Ali (Middle)
share the responsibility of lighting the Hanukkah candles on the fourth night of Hanukkah